Gentle readers,
Nothing like a good rendition of "Foxy Lady" by Jimmy Hendrix on a Saturday night at home to get an old lady fired up!!!!!
Mourning time is over and little good it did me. For example, Dave Durango came in after reading my last post, not to even look at the compressor, (thanks Durango) but to give me shit about my poor me attitude! There he stood, Fabio hair blowing in the wind, puckering his lower lip to make fun of me. Here I am, wearing everything on my sleeve except a black band and he is laughing at me till I plastered his pout with a piece of masking tape.
Then, my consultant, the wild New Yorker who thinks so highly of Obama, tells me to get over it and get back on my blog....Gilbert, says "Man, I miss the stories about us."
Ok, the scoop, the kids left and it hurt. After starting to loose large sums of money, got over it fast. took a couple of months, but have great people in place. I feel better about the business at this moment than I have in years. Don't get me wrong, broke I am, but bring it on!!!!! I am a FOXY LADY!!!!
Last week...THE WEEK THAT WAS cannot happen in real life, like I always say, no one can make this stuff up!
First, it turns bloody cold and the heater in the front office catches fire. I am calm this time, unplug it and call the "guy".
Second, I have to tell you about Billy Joe Bob, a great kid, country boy, a sander and he loves it. Great attitude. Came walking into my office at 4:30 Monday night, shuffling, head down....."I got somethin to tell you and you ain't gonna like it." Billy Joe Bob, are you bleeding? No mam, but you won't be happy...I gotta show you. We walk into the shop. The sight I behold....a dump truck with the "dump" part raised and a Hvac heating unit knocked off the ceiling, gas leaking and....OH MY GOD!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!! Told ya, you wouldn't be happy.........I am running to the phone, call Duke, come and turn off the gas!!!!!! Blowing up was not an option. Next thing I know, gas guy on scene, two fire trucks and they turn off the whole block. (they say women over react) Next morning, I am sitting in a freezing shop at 7 am, in the dark, alone waiting on the Hvac repair men, the repair man for the front and praying the gas will get turned on so we can turn on the paint booths and maybe, silly me, make a buck or two. I learn shortly, Billy Joe Bob was really upset and Gilbert my mischievous one, is screaming, "MAN, YOU ARE SO FIRED, DUDE, YOU ARE SO FIRED"
It so happens I have a new painter starting that day, no gas, paint booths and kaos all around. It took all day, but all was back in order. The next day, one of the two front computers got the blue screen of death. I worked on it all morning and then unplugged it and took it to the repair shop.
I cannot wait to see what will crap out next. Friday night, I am the last to leave, breathing a sigh, I wondered if I would get out without anything else breaking....cannot set the alarm.....back garage door is broken. I am sitting in the dark, late Friday, on the cold, dirty concrete floor looking at the broken wire that goes to the alarm, trying to decide if I should splice and fix it or just go home.
That was the week that was.
So, Can't keep a Good man, or woman down. I feel good, Foxy, Fiesty, energetic and ready to kick ass in the man's world of Auto Body repair. Stick with me, we have a half price sale coming on. We know what fun that can be. A customer asked me to marry him last week, spontaneous proposal, I guess I still got it!
Lets fix cars, make money and have fun. Thanks to all my friends who gave me shit till I got over myself and back to work.
God Bless all and let the good times roll. Shangri La, the wild and crazy Body shop chick.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The end
Dear Readers,
It has been a difficult time here at the body shop. The business I started for my children is now left to me. Both Hugh and Abby have decided to move on. It has left me in a very financial and emotional void. I hurt so much, I won't be able to write in the blog for quite some time. It is impossible to find humor in my days anymore.
There is no joy in this for me. I only hope to survive and move on. I have a great faith, and trust God will be with me.
This business venture has cost me, my marriage, my children, all my money and my life. I have worked 6 days a week for 3 years and am so alone. I have no friends or family. I wish I never did this, please think twice before starting your own business. There is a lot to consider.
God Bless and Keep you.
Body Shop Lady.
It has been a difficult time here at the body shop. The business I started for my children is now left to me. Both Hugh and Abby have decided to move on. It has left me in a very financial and emotional void. I hurt so much, I won't be able to write in the blog for quite some time. It is impossible to find humor in my days anymore.
There is no joy in this for me. I only hope to survive and move on. I have a great faith, and trust God will be with me.
This business venture has cost me, my marriage, my children, all my money and my life. I have worked 6 days a week for 3 years and am so alone. I have no friends or family. I wish I never did this, please think twice before starting your own business. There is a lot to consider.
God Bless and Keep you.
Body Shop Lady.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Running a Christian Business in Satan's Culture
Mon Cheri, Beloved, Bon jour. It is early on Sunday morning, my favorite time and I am thinking of you. I find myself feeling sad as I think over the events of the last week. My goal was to have a Christian Family Business and I find myself being beat up and challenged daily. At least once a day, a customer will try to con me to steal money.
For example, we re-stored a lady's Mustang and she was thrilled with the outcome. Then she told us her odometer did not work and we had to pay for it. I know exactly what was done to her car and NOTHING could have affected in any way, the odometer. Her odometer was broken when she brought it in and she sees a way to get a free one. I am sure I will end up in court. Yet, more sad than that, I am sure this woman goes to church. I am sure she sees nothing wrong with what she is doing. Why not? Everyone does it. Thus, society is misguided and a lack of character fills the world today. I say this as it happens daily. From what I also hear, it happens everywhere. I was told by another shop owner that a customer had a repair, was happy and then told the owner if he gave him $200.00, he would NOT write to the BBB and complain. That is extortion, I believe.
A lady we did an extensive repair for, and we did it complete and well, had a $500.00 deductable. She knew this all along. As the car was almost complete, I got a call from someone who said he was her brother wanting me to forget the deductable, you know, as you usually do....Sir, I do not know who you are and I am not discussing this lady's finances or repair with anyone but her. Then she started, I do not have the money. Abby and I both felt a con, so we stood our ground... After several calls, she came in to get her car and stood at the counter, with her saddest face, told Abby that she only had $400.00. Abby said you had to talk to the boss. She came in the shop and told me. I walked out front, and in an equally sad face, but firm, told her I was so sorry, but she could not have her car. I reminded her that we had talked about that and did she need help making arrangements as I could NOT let her have her car.
She then pulled the $500.00 out of her purse and paid her deductable and left with her car. Bless her heart, she had to try.
To anyone thinking about owning a business, think about it long and hard. Do you have the stomach to fight the fair battle daily? You will need the knowledge, skill and gut feel to do so, just to protect yourself.
I have made a rule that we do not do a vehicle older than 1985. People think a cheap paint job, and they want cheap, is the same as a restoration. My last confrontation, was after the paint job on a 35 year old car, which turned out beautiful, the window did not work perfectly. This was during my two weeks where I had no ability to deal with these people due to the heat and I told them their car was a piece of crap. New paint did not mean new car. My body man was there and laughed and told me with a smile, I may not want to tell people their cars were crap. We laughed and I told him I knew and would work on getting back on track. It is to the point, that my muscles tighten everytime anyone walks in. When someone loves you and thanks you, you just want to hug them and cry. Isn't that pathetic. Three years, and I still need to toughen up and learn to take it in stride.
I have hired a woman to work in the back. She starts Monday. This is a new one, and I know my crew well enough to know they will be respectful, but I also think she can handle it. I am excited about her as something about her character has impressed me. This one is on gut only. We will see how good my gut is.
I have been talking every week to my Italian, New York consultant. He continues to help me with advice, instruction and moral support. I continue to get better and understand the shop as it pertains to production. Thank you Anthony.
"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil as Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me"
Shangri La
For example, we re-stored a lady's Mustang and she was thrilled with the outcome. Then she told us her odometer did not work and we had to pay for it. I know exactly what was done to her car and NOTHING could have affected in any way, the odometer. Her odometer was broken when she brought it in and she sees a way to get a free one. I am sure I will end up in court. Yet, more sad than that, I am sure this woman goes to church. I am sure she sees nothing wrong with what she is doing. Why not? Everyone does it. Thus, society is misguided and a lack of character fills the world today. I say this as it happens daily. From what I also hear, it happens everywhere. I was told by another shop owner that a customer had a repair, was happy and then told the owner if he gave him $200.00, he would NOT write to the BBB and complain. That is extortion, I believe.
A lady we did an extensive repair for, and we did it complete and well, had a $500.00 deductable. She knew this all along. As the car was almost complete, I got a call from someone who said he was her brother wanting me to forget the deductable, you know, as you usually do....Sir, I do not know who you are and I am not discussing this lady's finances or repair with anyone but her. Then she started, I do not have the money. Abby and I both felt a con, so we stood our ground... After several calls, she came in to get her car and stood at the counter, with her saddest face, told Abby that she only had $400.00. Abby said you had to talk to the boss. She came in the shop and told me. I walked out front, and in an equally sad face, but firm, told her I was so sorry, but she could not have her car. I reminded her that we had talked about that and did she need help making arrangements as I could NOT let her have her car.
She then pulled the $500.00 out of her purse and paid her deductable and left with her car. Bless her heart, she had to try.
To anyone thinking about owning a business, think about it long and hard. Do you have the stomach to fight the fair battle daily? You will need the knowledge, skill and gut feel to do so, just to protect yourself.
I have made a rule that we do not do a vehicle older than 1985. People think a cheap paint job, and they want cheap, is the same as a restoration. My last confrontation, was after the paint job on a 35 year old car, which turned out beautiful, the window did not work perfectly. This was during my two weeks where I had no ability to deal with these people due to the heat and I told them their car was a piece of crap. New paint did not mean new car. My body man was there and laughed and told me with a smile, I may not want to tell people their cars were crap. We laughed and I told him I knew and would work on getting back on track. It is to the point, that my muscles tighten everytime anyone walks in. When someone loves you and thanks you, you just want to hug them and cry. Isn't that pathetic. Three years, and I still need to toughen up and learn to take it in stride.
I have hired a woman to work in the back. She starts Monday. This is a new one, and I know my crew well enough to know they will be respectful, but I also think she can handle it. I am excited about her as something about her character has impressed me. This one is on gut only. We will see how good my gut is.
I have been talking every week to my Italian, New York consultant. He continues to help me with advice, instruction and moral support. I continue to get better and understand the shop as it pertains to production. Thank you Anthony.
"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil as Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me"
Shangri La
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Is it the Oven or Frying Pan?
Best beloved, Mon Cheri, Good Morning. Finally, It is a Sunday morning of peace. I leave for church soon, but first a visit with you.
Great, the first summer I am running a body shop, we have to break the heat record set 50 years ago! Lets baptize Lynn with fire, literally. Those of you who know the feeling of working outside when it is close to 100 degrees F, can understand. Now, I understand too. I will never enjoy a sauna bath again. We all hung in there each day, even as some businesses were closing and sending workers home during the heat, we worked as hard as ever. I spent time one morning holding a 19 year old boy across my lap and wiping his face, arms, neck and back with cold towels while he was throwing up in a waste basket. I did so until he was OK enough to sit in my office and drink a Gator Aid. I called his mother and then sent him home for the day. I had planned to call 911 if he did not stop throwing up within 10 minutes.
We recently had an insurance repair that involved replacing most of the car. It had to be a borderline total. We had it about 3 weeks. The insurance paid over 5 grand and the customer's deductible was $500.00 which she knew and was fine with all along. THEN, one day as it is nearing ready, someone called saying he was her brother from Chicago and wanted to talk about the deductible..."you know, you guys usually forget the deductible in some cases...." Sir, I do not know you and am not going to discuss this woman's private business with you no matter who you say you are. If it was her brother, he planted the seed of you can screw the body shop out of their money.
She then, for the first time, started calling saying she did not have the $500. We told her she could apply for interest free financing or not get her car. She applied for $500. and was turned down. She said she had it, just wanted her car back. We finished it and when she came in to get it, told Abby she only had $400. and could she have her car, please. Abby said that was not her call and would ask the boss. I walked into the office and sat down and told her very nicely, I was very sorry, I could not let her have her car and she knew that because we had talked about it. No, I said. Then she must have given up and produced the $500. cash. Bless her heart for trying. I think in talking to the brother from Chicago, he explained the art of legal extortion. Did not work on me this time. Must mean I have learned a thing or two.
During the heat, I have come home every day, so dirty and sweaty, I just went upstairs and got in the shower. I used an old tooth brush on my nails and feet. I then caked my feet in lotion and put on footsies. I have been sleeping with conditioner in my hair, all these efforts to not dry up and try to stay feminine. The weather finally broke a little and there was a slight breeze. I was giddy. Sad, but true.
I have not dealt really well with customers lately, no secret. A young man came in set up the repair and paint. (cheap) ordered a used trunk lid as his was damaged. Then dad came in to inspect the car. OMG, he opened and shut the trunk several times saying it was not right.... it opened and shut perfectly. I kindly told him, sir, you must be somewhat confused, this is a Honda, not a Mercedes and a used trunk lid, it is perfect. He then pointed out specks of dirt on the white car and I brushed each of them away. I then told him this was silly and I was done. He asked if he could be blunt. Please, I told him. He said I did not have a good attitude. I told him, YEA. I know. I was HOT AND DIRTY AND TIRED. It was not personal, it was me after 5 days of working in this heat. Now what else did he want. He goes, nothing. We fixed the only legit issue on the car and he was a happy camper.
MEN......we had a lovely woman come in and get her estimate and set an appointment. Then...the fiancee called. Who was he trying to impress? Started to yell at me that the repair should take not more than a day or two!!!!! I looked at the estimate and said sir, I have been doing this a long time and there is no way this can be done in a day, and nothing you are going to say will get me to promise a day to you. I told him to take the car elsewhere if he wanted, but I won't lie to him, give him a free rental or anything else. PERIOD. It involved replacing a door, repairing other dents and painting. I would not even commit to 5 days! What did that yahoo know about anything but being a bully.
Speaking of a bully, a foreigner came in with a piece of crap car he wanted to have painted to match the cab company he was going to drive for. He was so rude, and I mean rude at the estimate, we asked him to leave. He went out for a while and came back in nicer. they drew out the lines for the two tone and left. We painted the car during which time he kept calling me yelling at me about it costing too much. He picked it up, haggled more, but I ran his card for the price I told him.
He was happy with the car, but came back with his boss saying it was the wrong lines, denied telling us how to do it, wanted it redone for free. I told the cab owner to either bring the cars himself or go else where. I told him I will not tolerate people like that man anymore. I told him if he wanted it redone, he would pay. It got heated from there and I ended up telling this creep that "My ancestors were born here and do not think you can come to my country and bully me or anyone else!" I told him to leave. If he was a guest in MY country do not try to bully me again. He picked up his car very nicely and paid for it. Beloved, did he reconsider his attitude or was he afraid I would report him??? Who knows and I really do not care. I did look over my shoulder for a while.
Life has not been normal this summer. I cannot seem to grasp an ability to handle where I fit in at work, family or friends. I have just kept to myself and when I do, it is lonely and when I don't, it is too stressful. I do not know if it will get better or not. There is only so much work a body can do and then it has nothing left to give.
Time for church and prayer, Lord, My God, share with me Your Grace to continue. All my love, Bon Jour, LM
Great, the first summer I am running a body shop, we have to break the heat record set 50 years ago! Lets baptize Lynn with fire, literally. Those of you who know the feeling of working outside when it is close to 100 degrees F, can understand. Now, I understand too. I will never enjoy a sauna bath again. We all hung in there each day, even as some businesses were closing and sending workers home during the heat, we worked as hard as ever. I spent time one morning holding a 19 year old boy across my lap and wiping his face, arms, neck and back with cold towels while he was throwing up in a waste basket. I did so until he was OK enough to sit in my office and drink a Gator Aid. I called his mother and then sent him home for the day. I had planned to call 911 if he did not stop throwing up within 10 minutes.
We recently had an insurance repair that involved replacing most of the car. It had to be a borderline total. We had it about 3 weeks. The insurance paid over 5 grand and the customer's deductible was $500.00 which she knew and was fine with all along. THEN, one day as it is nearing ready, someone called saying he was her brother from Chicago and wanted to talk about the deductible..."you know, you guys usually forget the deductible in some cases...." Sir, I do not know you and am not going to discuss this woman's private business with you no matter who you say you are. If it was her brother, he planted the seed of you can screw the body shop out of their money.
She then, for the first time, started calling saying she did not have the $500. We told her she could apply for interest free financing or not get her car. She applied for $500. and was turned down. She said she had it, just wanted her car back. We finished it and when she came in to get it, told Abby she only had $400. and could she have her car, please. Abby said that was not her call and would ask the boss. I walked into the office and sat down and told her very nicely, I was very sorry, I could not let her have her car and she knew that because we had talked about it. No, I said. Then she must have given up and produced the $500. cash. Bless her heart for trying. I think in talking to the brother from Chicago, he explained the art of legal extortion. Did not work on me this time. Must mean I have learned a thing or two.
During the heat, I have come home every day, so dirty and sweaty, I just went upstairs and got in the shower. I used an old tooth brush on my nails and feet. I then caked my feet in lotion and put on footsies. I have been sleeping with conditioner in my hair, all these efforts to not dry up and try to stay feminine. The weather finally broke a little and there was a slight breeze. I was giddy. Sad, but true.
I have not dealt really well with customers lately, no secret. A young man came in set up the repair and paint. (cheap) ordered a used trunk lid as his was damaged. Then dad came in to inspect the car. OMG, he opened and shut the trunk several times saying it was not right.... it opened and shut perfectly. I kindly told him, sir, you must be somewhat confused, this is a Honda, not a Mercedes and a used trunk lid, it is perfect. He then pointed out specks of dirt on the white car and I brushed each of them away. I then told him this was silly and I was done. He asked if he could be blunt. Please, I told him. He said I did not have a good attitude. I told him, YEA. I know. I was HOT AND DIRTY AND TIRED. It was not personal, it was me after 5 days of working in this heat. Now what else did he want. He goes, nothing. We fixed the only legit issue on the car and he was a happy camper.
MEN......we had a lovely woman come in and get her estimate and set an appointment. Then...the fiancee called. Who was he trying to impress? Started to yell at me that the repair should take not more than a day or two!!!!! I looked at the estimate and said sir, I have been doing this a long time and there is no way this can be done in a day, and nothing you are going to say will get me to promise a day to you. I told him to take the car elsewhere if he wanted, but I won't lie to him, give him a free rental or anything else. PERIOD. It involved replacing a door, repairing other dents and painting. I would not even commit to 5 days! What did that yahoo know about anything but being a bully.
Speaking of a bully, a foreigner came in with a piece of crap car he wanted to have painted to match the cab company he was going to drive for. He was so rude, and I mean rude at the estimate, we asked him to leave. He went out for a while and came back in nicer. they drew out the lines for the two tone and left. We painted the car during which time he kept calling me yelling at me about it costing too much. He picked it up, haggled more, but I ran his card for the price I told him.
He was happy with the car, but came back with his boss saying it was the wrong lines, denied telling us how to do it, wanted it redone for free. I told the cab owner to either bring the cars himself or go else where. I told him I will not tolerate people like that man anymore. I told him if he wanted it redone, he would pay. It got heated from there and I ended up telling this creep that "My ancestors were born here and do not think you can come to my country and bully me or anyone else!" I told him to leave. If he was a guest in MY country do not try to bully me again. He picked up his car very nicely and paid for it. Beloved, did he reconsider his attitude or was he afraid I would report him??? Who knows and I really do not care. I did look over my shoulder for a while.
Life has not been normal this summer. I cannot seem to grasp an ability to handle where I fit in at work, family or friends. I have just kept to myself and when I do, it is lonely and when I don't, it is too stressful. I do not know if it will get better or not. There is only so much work a body can do and then it has nothing left to give.
Time for church and prayer, Lord, My God, share with me Your Grace to continue. All my love, Bon Jour, LM
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Gentle and beloved readers:
"I know you paid up the wazoo to be here, so I am going to sing my ass off for you"
Josh Groban, July 15, 2011 Concert
And he did. It was a wonderful time and getting away from the shop and doing something normal, gave me the feeling for the evening that I was human again, the gentle LADY I used to be. Thank you Josh, and thank you my children for being a part of it.
Last week was a strange week of flux in the shop. Most of my time is in the back now, hot and sweaty, but I keep up front when it is busy or when anyone comes in with a bad vibe. It was hot, but I have felt worse, so I compare everyday to the "worst" and then it is not so bad.
Two young men came in and wanted their car was very old, beat up....boss had to approve it. I looked at the car, talked about restoration vs. paint. Told them we usually will not do an old car, faces drop......without my approval.....faces back up. That comes with talking to you and your understanding the potential reactions that could happen. etc., anyway, by the end of the conversation, their commitment to not complain, accept how it turns out, etc. they then left a down payment of $300 in 5s and 1s. I will leave that to you, gentle reader, to figure out.
God, My Lord, you put me here for a reason, it sure would help if you told me what that reason is. (little prayer)
Had two customers yell this weekend over nit pick crap. I handled them better, I did not yell back, just talked and/or cut them off nicely. People. One man, extremely nasty and rude, did his own body and prep, refused to pay a dime more than paint, was not happy with a spot under the paint. He yelled at me, "it would have taken 5 minutes to fix that before we painted and I should have done it for free." I told him my body men were funny about working for free and he stated he did not want any bodywork. Well, sir, that was body work and it would take much more than 5 minutes. He said he would give me $40. to fix it and not a dime more. I told him I was not interested in working on his car for any money. It is a great feeling to be at that point. Take your attitude elsewhere cranky old man.
The shop itself is in flux. As you know, I fired a body guy, hired two and promoted one. I am now short paint line techs. I have one new one starting Wed, but did not get the cars done last week we needed. I am going to try to hire another person next week for the back. One of my guys let me know he had another job and I asked him for just a few days lead time to replace him. He PROMISED me to stay till Friday and did not show up the next day. He texted Brady telling him he wanted to come in on Friday and pick up his check, Brady told him I was pretty mad and he would not advise it. I mailed his check. I did not want to see him. Coward.
My new bodyman seems to work hard and do very good work. He has his head down and gets quite a bit done. I get a hinky vibe from him and cannot put my hand on it. At least work is flowing. I have another one who won't make it past next week. He talks about work, more than he works! He does not get things done as he is always screwing around. I will give him a few more days and then cut him loose. He has been told 25 times now to shut up and work. Does not get it.
I wish Mr Anthony Spumoni from New York was here to size up the bodymen. I know what he would tell me an I will do it, it would be easier if he was here.
I have been talking to another owner in town of a like body shop. He is an older gentleman and gives me almost as much shit as I give him. After we BS and lie to each other for a while, there has been a friendship develop. Some of the advice he has given me has helped. Someone in the exact place as me, who understands me and treats me with respect, I am starting to let this man in, spent the last three years not trusting him. Is there help for me yet?
Got to get productive, looking forward to our next visit. Je Tem, Mon Cheri.
In the words of my granddaughter, age 4, "I love you my love".
"I know you paid up the wazoo to be here, so I am going to sing my ass off for you"
Josh Groban, July 15, 2011 Concert
And he did. It was a wonderful time and getting away from the shop and doing something normal, gave me the feeling for the evening that I was human again, the gentle LADY I used to be. Thank you Josh, and thank you my children for being a part of it.
Last week was a strange week of flux in the shop. Most of my time is in the back now, hot and sweaty, but I keep up front when it is busy or when anyone comes in with a bad vibe. It was hot, but I have felt worse, so I compare everyday to the "worst" and then it is not so bad.
Two young men came in and wanted their car was very old, beat up....boss had to approve it. I looked at the car, talked about restoration vs. paint. Told them we usually will not do an old car, faces drop......without my approval.....faces back up. That comes with talking to you and your understanding the potential reactions that could happen. etc., anyway, by the end of the conversation, their commitment to not complain, accept how it turns out, etc. they then left a down payment of $300 in 5s and 1s. I will leave that to you, gentle reader, to figure out.
God, My Lord, you put me here for a reason, it sure would help if you told me what that reason is. (little prayer)
Had two customers yell this weekend over nit pick crap. I handled them better, I did not yell back, just talked and/or cut them off nicely. People. One man, extremely nasty and rude, did his own body and prep, refused to pay a dime more than paint, was not happy with a spot under the paint. He yelled at me, "it would have taken 5 minutes to fix that before we painted and I should have done it for free." I told him my body men were funny about working for free and he stated he did not want any bodywork. Well, sir, that was body work and it would take much more than 5 minutes. He said he would give me $40. to fix it and not a dime more. I told him I was not interested in working on his car for any money. It is a great feeling to be at that point. Take your attitude elsewhere cranky old man.
The shop itself is in flux. As you know, I fired a body guy, hired two and promoted one. I am now short paint line techs. I have one new one starting Wed, but did not get the cars done last week we needed. I am going to try to hire another person next week for the back. One of my guys let me know he had another job and I asked him for just a few days lead time to replace him. He PROMISED me to stay till Friday and did not show up the next day. He texted Brady telling him he wanted to come in on Friday and pick up his check, Brady told him I was pretty mad and he would not advise it. I mailed his check. I did not want to see him. Coward.
My new bodyman seems to work hard and do very good work. He has his head down and gets quite a bit done. I get a hinky vibe from him and cannot put my hand on it. At least work is flowing. I have another one who won't make it past next week. He talks about work, more than he works! He does not get things done as he is always screwing around. I will give him a few more days and then cut him loose. He has been told 25 times now to shut up and work. Does not get it.
I wish Mr Anthony Spumoni from New York was here to size up the bodymen. I know what he would tell me an I will do it, it would be easier if he was here.
I have been talking to another owner in town of a like body shop. He is an older gentleman and gives me almost as much shit as I give him. After we BS and lie to each other for a while, there has been a friendship develop. Some of the advice he has given me has helped. Someone in the exact place as me, who understands me and treats me with respect, I am starting to let this man in, spent the last three years not trusting him. Is there help for me yet?
Got to get productive, looking forward to our next visit. Je Tem, Mon Cheri.
In the words of my granddaughter, age 4, "I love you my love".
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Best Beloved, Mon Ami,
Good evening, it is after midnight here and I am in the agonizing reality of no matter how tight I squeeze my eyelids, I cannot sleep. The only upside to this, that I can even think of, is when I do begin to suffer the effects of sleep deprevation, it may be more fun than work.
In the words of a friend, it has been a hoot. (My best and favorite) consultant, would call me a "California hillbilly" for saying such a thing. That, when you think about it, Mr. Spumoni, is an oxymoron.
Anyway, it has been quite a hoot. We are repairing a car, for the second time in two weeks for a very nice gal, Ms. Wacking. Now this dear lady, we assumed had a mental defect which rendered her extreemly strange. Truly, we thought she was mentally challenged. She could barly speak without repeating words over and over. She needed to have "repair a dent" explained for over an hour. R..e..p..a..i..r......a.....d..e..n..t.
Again, we thank Our loving Lord for our blessings. You can imagine my shock when I found out she was employed, and you can imagine my "unshock" when added to that bit of information was the fact that she was employed by the IRS. I quietly walked into my office and bowed my head and prayed that I was never audited.
The gal who ran her rental out of gas, (who can forget that piece of work) called me, three times after I hung up on her, screaming at me that I owed her a new battery. (My inability to sleep started last night and I completely agree that it is unforgiveable to hang up on a customer)When I could get a word in, I reminded her that her vehicle wazzzzz 6 years old and she probably needed a new battery, and should buy one. She yelled at my that her 2005 was NOT 6 years old! Oh, my bad.
In a tough situation, last week I had to let one of the body men go. It was not fun or funny, and I have no plans of making light of it. The aftermath is probably the reason I am writing and not sleeping. We have so many cars and not the man power to move them out fast and it is a nightmare I would not wish on even my competition.
A very nice man, who did not want to pay $150. to have a rust hole repaired, fixed it himself with wall plaster. His new paint fell of the plaster within 10 minutes. He has now spent over $450. putting flames on his car and having them removed and replaced as he keeps changing his mind on the color. Can you explain that to me???
My few friends wonder why I cannot carry on a conversation and have given up on me at the moment. Probably for the best. I am finding everyone annoying and am acting out. A man who had a vehicle from the 70's came in to complain to me that there was one "fisheye" on the hood. WELL, he did his own body work and "knew" it was our fault. Again, I am without patience. I looked at him and asked did he know how old his car was, it was his bodywork and would he like the corporate number so he could call and complain about me to them as I would not do anything for him. Of course you do, here is the number.
fisheye: fish, the root work for water guy, eye, the greek word meaning, what are you looking at? (noun) A fish eye is a pin prick size, upside down bubble in auto paint due to some jerk's bad bodywork, or a chemical reaction to some jerk's bad body work.
Webster's Dictionary of Auto Body Terms
"As I sit here racking my brain apart,
searching the chambers of my heart,
I find I cannot compose
a poem, or or even a little prose."
Lynn Moore, high school assignment
Gentle reader, I do see how silly I am sounding and pray for your compassion. I hope to see you in my dreams and am signing off. TTFN, L Moore
Good evening, it is after midnight here and I am in the agonizing reality of no matter how tight I squeeze my eyelids, I cannot sleep. The only upside to this, that I can even think of, is when I do begin to suffer the effects of sleep deprevation, it may be more fun than work.
In the words of a friend, it has been a hoot. (My best and favorite) consultant, would call me a "California hillbilly" for saying such a thing. That, when you think about it, Mr. Spumoni, is an oxymoron.
Anyway, it has been quite a hoot. We are repairing a car, for the second time in two weeks for a very nice gal, Ms. Wacking. Now this dear lady, we assumed had a mental defect which rendered her extreemly strange. Truly, we thought she was mentally challenged. She could barly speak without repeating words over and over. She needed to have "repair a dent" explained for over an hour. R..e..p..a..i..r......a.....d..e..n..t.
Again, we thank Our loving Lord for our blessings. You can imagine my shock when I found out she was employed, and you can imagine my "unshock" when added to that bit of information was the fact that she was employed by the IRS. I quietly walked into my office and bowed my head and prayed that I was never audited.
The gal who ran her rental out of gas, (who can forget that piece of work) called me, three times after I hung up on her, screaming at me that I owed her a new battery. (My inability to sleep started last night and I completely agree that it is unforgiveable to hang up on a customer)When I could get a word in, I reminded her that her vehicle wazzzzz 6 years old and she probably needed a new battery, and should buy one. She yelled at my that her 2005 was NOT 6 years old! Oh, my bad.
In a tough situation, last week I had to let one of the body men go. It was not fun or funny, and I have no plans of making light of it. The aftermath is probably the reason I am writing and not sleeping. We have so many cars and not the man power to move them out fast and it is a nightmare I would not wish on even my competition.
A very nice man, who did not want to pay $150. to have a rust hole repaired, fixed it himself with wall plaster. His new paint fell of the plaster within 10 minutes. He has now spent over $450. putting flames on his car and having them removed and replaced as he keeps changing his mind on the color. Can you explain that to me???
My few friends wonder why I cannot carry on a conversation and have given up on me at the moment. Probably for the best. I am finding everyone annoying and am acting out. A man who had a vehicle from the 70's came in to complain to me that there was one "fisheye" on the hood. WELL, he did his own body work and "knew" it was our fault. Again, I am without patience. I looked at him and asked did he know how old his car was, it was his bodywork and would he like the corporate number so he could call and complain about me to them as I would not do anything for him. Of course you do, here is the number.
fisheye: fish, the root work for water guy, eye, the greek word meaning, what are you looking at? (noun) A fish eye is a pin prick size, upside down bubble in auto paint due to some jerk's bad bodywork, or a chemical reaction to some jerk's bad body work.
Webster's Dictionary of Auto Body Terms
"As I sit here racking my brain apart,
searching the chambers of my heart,
I find I cannot compose
a poem, or or even a little prose."
Lynn Moore, high school assignment
Gentle reader, I do see how silly I am sounding and pray for your compassion. I hope to see you in my dreams and am signing off. TTFN, L Moore
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Bon Jour Mon Ami! Another week....and yes, I think we are still sane. Last week a crazy gal who wanted her car every day as she was in a rental, took 4 days to show up when it was finally done. She must have planned on turning in the rental on empty, because she called us from 5 blocks away, empty. I was mad, but she had a 3 grand check I needed. I went and bought gas, my money, went to where her car was and she was cracked up on something, with two guys. I put a gallon of gas in her car and she drove to my shop. I told her that I bought that gas with my own money and she owed me 3 dollars. Of course! she did not have a penny on her. We jumped her car for her to leave, and they immediately went to the gas station at the corner and turned off her car. She called again and I said NO! Abby insisted on going down to the gas station, even though I told her not to. She refused to bring a guy with her. When she was jumping their car, one of the guys hit on her. She got a little I told you so, from her mother in law. Never saw that three bucks!!!! As if I expected to.
We have had some pretty nice customers lately. It is a pleasure to work with nice people. But, then right in the middle of this kumbiya moment, comes Mr. and Mrs. Hasslers. They had a pick up from the grave in to be painted. It turned out beautiful. They were elderly and I gave them the whole bit about don't wash it for 4 weeks, etc. He called to tell me he cleaned it up as soon as he got home and found problems. His biggest problem is that he and his wife are complete idiots! They came in today and he in such a self righteous huff, pointed out to me finger prints on the interior of his truck. I reached my hand in and brushed them off. I said ok, what else. He said He was surprised the prints came off, I said, why, it was just dust. He pointed out two microscopic spots and I told him I would have my detailer rub a little wax on it. SHE, the other nasty one, said she thought they forgot to put clear coat on it. I told her she did not have clear coat on her vehicle because she purchased a single stage service. She began the, "then what did I pay all that money for.....?" I just stopped her and reminded her that we went over her estimate several times and she knows what she paid for. I asked Brad to polish the couple of spots and then they left. I believe they were disappointed that they could not get a good old fight going, or money back. You got to be bored to have nothing better to do than to look for reasons to pick a fight.
I have got to admit, it is fun to see how bad some of the cars look before they come in and how great they look done. Well, most of them. We did a S-10 today that a young man had painted with a roller, used calk to reattach his CHEVROLET emblem. It did not look much better, just shiny. I guess that is how a kid learns. There are just some things you should not do yourself.
I am enjoying running the back. Unfortunately, my potty mouth is getting worse....I ruined a nice jacket with "bondo". But, there is less stress in the back and the sound of DAs and Grinders are better than phones.
I get to High Five, dance to the oldies and run from one end of the shop to the other. Then I have to carry out big bags of trash, whipe dust off stuff, vacume cars, sand, wipe, blow, tack...move cars from one place to another and check cars, order supplies and keep everything moving. It is all about getting more done, faster and right the first time. I guess that is all business these days. "CHECK PLEASE"
God Bless all. And to all, a Good Night. moi
We have had some pretty nice customers lately. It is a pleasure to work with nice people. But, then right in the middle of this kumbiya moment, comes Mr. and Mrs. Hasslers. They had a pick up from the grave in to be painted. It turned out beautiful. They were elderly and I gave them the whole bit about don't wash it for 4 weeks, etc. He called to tell me he cleaned it up as soon as he got home and found problems. His biggest problem is that he and his wife are complete idiots! They came in today and he in such a self righteous huff, pointed out to me finger prints on the interior of his truck. I reached my hand in and brushed them off. I said ok, what else. He said He was surprised the prints came off, I said, why, it was just dust. He pointed out two microscopic spots and I told him I would have my detailer rub a little wax on it. SHE, the other nasty one, said she thought they forgot to put clear coat on it. I told her she did not have clear coat on her vehicle because she purchased a single stage service. She began the, "then what did I pay all that money for.....?" I just stopped her and reminded her that we went over her estimate several times and she knows what she paid for. I asked Brad to polish the couple of spots and then they left. I believe they were disappointed that they could not get a good old fight going, or money back. You got to be bored to have nothing better to do than to look for reasons to pick a fight.
I have got to admit, it is fun to see how bad some of the cars look before they come in and how great they look done. Well, most of them. We did a S-10 today that a young man had painted with a roller, used calk to reattach his CHEVROLET emblem. It did not look much better, just shiny. I guess that is how a kid learns. There are just some things you should not do yourself.
I am enjoying running the back. Unfortunately, my potty mouth is getting worse....I ruined a nice jacket with "bondo". But, there is less stress in the back and the sound of DAs and Grinders are better than phones.
I get to High Five, dance to the oldies and run from one end of the shop to the other. Then I have to carry out big bags of trash, whipe dust off stuff, vacume cars, sand, wipe, blow, tack...move cars from one place to another and check cars, order supplies and keep everything moving. It is all about getting more done, faster and right the first time. I guess that is all business these days. "CHECK PLEASE"
God Bless all. And to all, a Good Night. moi
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Bon Jour Mon Cheri, It is early on Saturday and I have some time before a gentleman arrives to fix a broken water pipe in my house. Then it is rush to the shop to work. I have my beloved quiet time on Saturday morning and so want to tell you about the week.
First, this was my first week of being the FULL BLOWN shop manager. Small got to do it yourself! My first week at the production helm as well as all the others was a scramble, but this was the second most productive week we have had financially. Unless you pay someone commission only, they do not care about your business or money. It is my money and I care as it is life or closure!
I could not do it without my consultant, the Italian. God, I love that man. I did not need to be taught how to be a strong leader, I had that. I had to be taught how to handle my family and the knowledge of running a body shop. Logic dictates, I, it will get better each week. My guys are still talking about Anthony Andrew Spumoni and what he taught them. They like it that he was a marine, they like it that he pulls no punches and they know when and if he compliments them, it is for real. They are happy that what he accomplished has helped me. They are much happier when they see I am doing well than when they see me worry. I would guess that is universal in business. We got all the body work out. My two body guys did it and did it right and loaded the paint line till my painter was telling me he hated me and that he thought I was trying to kill him. I told him unless he wanted to come up with 10g to make payroll next week, he needed to keep painting. I have a second painter and he did jump in on two to give him a break.I told my son, the painter, when he owns the place and it is his money, he will push just as hard as I am now. I pray he believes me.
Now the week started with fun. I accuse the two girls up front of selecting gentlemen for me to give a ride home specifically to make me crazy. The rule is, I will give anyone a ride home if they leave their car. So, they got a car from a gentleman who was about 75, well dressed and soft spoken. Sure, lets go. On the way to his house, he explained to me he was a spokesperson for the local nudist colony, (I did not know ther was a "local" nudist colony. Thought that went out with Free Love) and felt I should look into it. He told me that they have a pool, vollyball, many of other sports and everyone is encouraged to bring their families. My visual of a 75 year old man's junk flopping around during a game of vollyball was enough to send me screaming from the car at the next light. This one beat the Elvis inpersonator the week before. I sped back to the shop and just stood looking at the girl's grins. They swear they have no idea......
The next morning started with a fire. At around 9, after the girls said they had been smelling something for a while, smoke started to billow out of an electrical socket in the office. I, repeat, I ran to the back, shut off the circuits, screamed "FIRE" and two of my men came running up front with me fire things. I got back up front and told Abby to call 911, the phones do not work...I turned off the circuits. Bear in mind all have cell phones, but I ran into my office and grabbed my cell and called 911. I then called the landlord for an electrician asap and then went out front to flag down the 4 fire trucks that arrived for my one socket. The question I asked is what would you two have done if I was not here?????
My body man, Brandy came up to me later and told me the electrician went to him and said Man, how do you work for such a fox. Brandy told him that Ms. Moore was his employer, that's how, and laughed all way across the shop. He gets a kick out of it.
In the shop, Brady had his DA turned up to run fast and it was loud. Harry, a body man came up to him and yelled...MAN TURN THAT THING DOWN. Brady, in levity, said I DO NOT GO TO YOUR AREA AND TELL YOU HOW TO WORK, SHUT THE F UP!. BRANDY, THE OTHER BODY MAN JUMPED UP AT THAT MOMENT AND YELLED "CHECK PLEASE". The entire shop erupted in laughter and all became a productive team again. (too bad Anthony Andrew Spumoni was not there for that)
Friday, I was pushing hard and everyone was working at high gear. (which they should do everyday) My shop has not been at high gear for a while now and we are learning some lessons. We had two cars done, yea, $$$, and Hugh was pulling one out of the booth and another guy was pulling one in the front garage door and crash, they ran into each other. There was a discussion starting over who's fault, what happened, everyone had to see....I yelled, which I do not do often, It is done, let it go, move the cars back to the body area and get back to work. I MEAN IT---N-O-W! Cars went back to body stalls and they went back to work. We will talk about that Monday. We are now working harder and faster which is why that happened. I would rather have an accident once in a while than have production happening at slow mo. But, we will talk about safety, safety, safety on Monday. I did hear one of the drivers needed a can of spray paint and was afraid to come up and ask me for the key, so Brady did it for him.
So, I am going in to do numbers today and see how we ended up. I gave the guys each $20. for getting the cars done one the list. (the two that crashed were done) Thus went my first week, we can only get better. Now we need more cars and the push up front will begin.....time to sell auto repair.
The girls are good, just need to push harder. We had a young man with severe OCD bring his car in. It took him over three hours to drop his car. He kept apologizing, for example, he had to have Abby hand his key back and look at it and give it back to her over and over again until he was comfortable leaving it. We have to accept the trials given to us by God and be thankful for the ones we have not been given everyday.
"Smile with Style"
Danny R. (1952 - )
Je tem mon Cheri. Lynn Moore
First, this was my first week of being the FULL BLOWN shop manager. Small got to do it yourself! My first week at the production helm as well as all the others was a scramble, but this was the second most productive week we have had financially. Unless you pay someone commission only, they do not care about your business or money. It is my money and I care as it is life or closure!
I could not do it without my consultant, the Italian. God, I love that man. I did not need to be taught how to be a strong leader, I had that. I had to be taught how to handle my family and the knowledge of running a body shop. Logic dictates, I, it will get better each week. My guys are still talking about Anthony Andrew Spumoni and what he taught them. They like it that he was a marine, they like it that he pulls no punches and they know when and if he compliments them, it is for real. They are happy that what he accomplished has helped me. They are much happier when they see I am doing well than when they see me worry. I would guess that is universal in business. We got all the body work out. My two body guys did it and did it right and loaded the paint line till my painter was telling me he hated me and that he thought I was trying to kill him. I told him unless he wanted to come up with 10g to make payroll next week, he needed to keep painting. I have a second painter and he did jump in on two to give him a break.I told my son, the painter, when he owns the place and it is his money, he will push just as hard as I am now. I pray he believes me.
Now the week started with fun. I accuse the two girls up front of selecting gentlemen for me to give a ride home specifically to make me crazy. The rule is, I will give anyone a ride home if they leave their car. So, they got a car from a gentleman who was about 75, well dressed and soft spoken. Sure, lets go. On the way to his house, he explained to me he was a spokesperson for the local nudist colony, (I did not know ther was a "local" nudist colony. Thought that went out with Free Love) and felt I should look into it. He told me that they have a pool, vollyball, many of other sports and everyone is encouraged to bring their families. My visual of a 75 year old man's junk flopping around during a game of vollyball was enough to send me screaming from the car at the next light. This one beat the Elvis inpersonator the week before. I sped back to the shop and just stood looking at the girl's grins. They swear they have no idea......
The next morning started with a fire. At around 9, after the girls said they had been smelling something for a while, smoke started to billow out of an electrical socket in the office. I, repeat, I ran to the back, shut off the circuits, screamed "FIRE" and two of my men came running up front with me fire things. I got back up front and told Abby to call 911, the phones do not work...I turned off the circuits. Bear in mind all have cell phones, but I ran into my office and grabbed my cell and called 911. I then called the landlord for an electrician asap and then went out front to flag down the 4 fire trucks that arrived for my one socket. The question I asked is what would you two have done if I was not here?????
My body man, Brandy came up to me later and told me the electrician went to him and said Man, how do you work for such a fox. Brandy told him that Ms. Moore was his employer, that's how, and laughed all way across the shop. He gets a kick out of it.
In the shop, Brady had his DA turned up to run fast and it was loud. Harry, a body man came up to him and yelled...MAN TURN THAT THING DOWN. Brady, in levity, said I DO NOT GO TO YOUR AREA AND TELL YOU HOW TO WORK, SHUT THE F UP!. BRANDY, THE OTHER BODY MAN JUMPED UP AT THAT MOMENT AND YELLED "CHECK PLEASE". The entire shop erupted in laughter and all became a productive team again. (too bad Anthony Andrew Spumoni was not there for that)
Friday, I was pushing hard and everyone was working at high gear. (which they should do everyday) My shop has not been at high gear for a while now and we are learning some lessons. We had two cars done, yea, $$$, and Hugh was pulling one out of the booth and another guy was pulling one in the front garage door and crash, they ran into each other. There was a discussion starting over who's fault, what happened, everyone had to see....I yelled, which I do not do often, It is done, let it go, move the cars back to the body area and get back to work. I MEAN IT---N-O-W! Cars went back to body stalls and they went back to work. We will talk about that Monday. We are now working harder and faster which is why that happened. I would rather have an accident once in a while than have production happening at slow mo. But, we will talk about safety, safety, safety on Monday. I did hear one of the drivers needed a can of spray paint and was afraid to come up and ask me for the key, so Brady did it for him.
So, I am going in to do numbers today and see how we ended up. I gave the guys each $20. for getting the cars done one the list. (the two that crashed were done) Thus went my first week, we can only get better. Now we need more cars and the push up front will begin.....time to sell auto repair.
The girls are good, just need to push harder. We had a young man with severe OCD bring his car in. It took him over three hours to drop his car. He kept apologizing, for example, he had to have Abby hand his key back and look at it and give it back to her over and over again until he was comfortable leaving it. We have to accept the trials given to us by God and be thankful for the ones we have not been given everyday.
"Smile with Style"
Danny R. (1952 - )
Je tem mon Cheri. Lynn Moore
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Bon Jour Mon Cheri et Mon Ami, beloved.....I write to you as a New Shop Manager. It has been an exciting two days. I owe it all to my new mentor, the Italian Consultant. Let me give you a visual.
Great hair, albeit graying, which works much better for men than woman, two pairs of Walmart Readers in the crotch of his polo at all times, intense eyes and an attitude that alone could break a knee cap in a nano second. It was fun, I was a California blonde and a hillbilly in the same 5 minutes. ??? I said that did not work for me, the California thing was OK though. He left on Friday and as he said his good byes, my body man, Brandy told him he appreciated all he did in a week in our shop etc., and Italian man told him to shut the F... up. It is a style, man. A style than only a very few can pull off.
It is late and I am too tired to be creative. But, I have to share the Pajama party that my crew is attending tonight, party on guys, just be at work on time and no hangovers....and get this, there was a fire in the office, complete with three fire trucks. Lots of shop levity including an employee who is quitting because he needs to work for someone who understands him. OOOOKKKKK. Stay tuned for the shop stories that I just cannot make up. Always, your love, Lynn
Great hair, albeit graying, which works much better for men than woman, two pairs of Walmart Readers in the crotch of his polo at all times, intense eyes and an attitude that alone could break a knee cap in a nano second. It was fun, I was a California blonde and a hillbilly in the same 5 minutes. ??? I said that did not work for me, the California thing was OK though. He left on Friday and as he said his good byes, my body man, Brandy told him he appreciated all he did in a week in our shop etc., and Italian man told him to shut the F... up. It is a style, man. A style than only a very few can pull off.
It is late and I am too tired to be creative. But, I have to share the Pajama party that my crew is attending tonight, party on guys, just be at work on time and no hangovers....and get this, there was a fire in the office, complete with three fire trucks. Lots of shop levity including an employee who is quitting because he needs to work for someone who understands him. OOOOKKKKK. Stay tuned for the shop stories that I just cannot make up. Always, your love, Lynn
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
It is too hot to not laugh
Bon Jour, Mon Cheri!!!! It is Wednesday night and it is really hot! As I mentioned last, I have a consultant in my shop this week with one teach me how to run the shop. Well....where do I begin???? Could it be hotter in the shop???not. I am so impressed at how hard the guys are working and how hot it is. Things are humming and I am learning. I think it is time to share some of the funnier moments....
The other day, I opened the shop door to walk out and Brady, one of the young men was running to the men's room, screaming, "MY ASS" at the top of his lungs!!! He stopped, grabbed some paper towels and kept running...I am yelling, BRADY! What is wrong!!!??? MY ASS!!! I ran to the back where Gilbert sees me and starts holding his mouth shut to keep from laughing and the many comments he was dying to make. What happened to Brady? He sat in paint stripper. OMG! that stuff burns paint off a car in a matter of minutes. You do not want it on your skin! Tony said, I asked him if I could help and when he told me what happened, I told him you are on your own man." Brady's ass was the topic of concerned conversation....well, you get it.
So, a little later, from the stripper fumes, Brady had an asthma attack and I ran him to the urgent care. One of the things they did was give him a shot in the already tender area. He told me he immediately forgot about the stripper. Brady's injured area is still the topic of concerned conversation in the shop. They really do love each other.
I was walking through the back today and one of "my boys" was moving a pick up as big as a tank and honked the horn at me. I jumped 3 feet and all thought that was a hoot.....I told them, I forgot to do payroll this week, I thought that was a hoot.
Running a shop reminds me of directing a play. FYI, I am an old theatre person. I have written, produced, directed and acted. Running a shop is like directing a play. You coordinate, multi-task, answer a million questions at a time, run around like a mad man and always deal with people and their feelings. I do not have to know how to do bodywork to tell if it is done or not, if a car is ready to move to the next station and which one to bring in next. I have been given a system and taught how to do this by a great teacher. A grouchy New York Italian man, with a mouth that would embarass a sailor, and more skill in a body shop than anyone I have ever worked with. I can do this. I kinda have to. The down side is my hair has now become straw, my feet are always dirty and hurt, my nails suck and all my clothes are soon to be trashed. I wonder in how many years I will look like a crazy, wild eyed Body shop woman. How many weeks, I should say. So much fun you cannot imagine. The upside is I always have the best stories at the bar!
"When you charge peanuts, your only customers are monkeys." The Italian Sailor.
Bon Nuit mon ami. Lynn
The other day, I opened the shop door to walk out and Brady, one of the young men was running to the men's room, screaming, "MY ASS" at the top of his lungs!!! He stopped, grabbed some paper towels and kept running...I am yelling, BRADY! What is wrong!!!??? MY ASS!!! I ran to the back where Gilbert sees me and starts holding his mouth shut to keep from laughing and the many comments he was dying to make. What happened to Brady? He sat in paint stripper. OMG! that stuff burns paint off a car in a matter of minutes. You do not want it on your skin! Tony said, I asked him if I could help and when he told me what happened, I told him you are on your own man." Brady's ass was the topic of concerned conversation....well, you get it.
So, a little later, from the stripper fumes, Brady had an asthma attack and I ran him to the urgent care. One of the things they did was give him a shot in the already tender area. He told me he immediately forgot about the stripper. Brady's injured area is still the topic of concerned conversation in the shop. They really do love each other.
I was walking through the back today and one of "my boys" was moving a pick up as big as a tank and honked the horn at me. I jumped 3 feet and all thought that was a hoot.....I told them, I forgot to do payroll this week, I thought that was a hoot.
Running a shop reminds me of directing a play. FYI, I am an old theatre person. I have written, produced, directed and acted. Running a shop is like directing a play. You coordinate, multi-task, answer a million questions at a time, run around like a mad man and always deal with people and their feelings. I do not have to know how to do bodywork to tell if it is done or not, if a car is ready to move to the next station and which one to bring in next. I have been given a system and taught how to do this by a great teacher. A grouchy New York Italian man, with a mouth that would embarass a sailor, and more skill in a body shop than anyone I have ever worked with. I can do this. I kinda have to. The down side is my hair has now become straw, my feet are always dirty and hurt, my nails suck and all my clothes are soon to be trashed. I wonder in how many years I will look like a crazy, wild eyed Body shop woman. How many weeks, I should say. So much fun you cannot imagine. The upside is I always have the best stories at the bar!
"When you charge peanuts, your only customers are monkeys." The Italian Sailor.
Bon Nuit mon ami. Lynn
Sunday, June 5, 2011
What planet do these people live on???
Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn, by God, you learn.
C S Lewis
What I have learned in the last three years scares me. I have learned that the world is not what I thought it was. Nothing is as it was taught to me.
The last few weeks: Body men revolt. Family betrayal. An unknown harasser is threating me. Endless fatugue and no one to share with. No one wants to hear about the bottom rung of humanity or how it is affecting my life.
I answered the phone and a man, here from another country, proceed to demand a price on repairing the damage to his car. Sir, I am sorry I cannot do that without seeing your car. Can you bring it in for a free written estimate? Yelling began. What kind of customer service person are you. I will tell you the exact damage and you can give me a price. No sir, I am sorry I cannot...please stop yelling at me. YOU SHOULD BE FIRED WHAT KIND OF CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSON ARE YOU. IT IS A WONDER YOU HAVE ANY CUSTOMERS. Actually sir, many people do bring in their cars and we are able to give them an exact price in writing...I am thinking, please ask to speak to the owner....If I went to his country, I would not call people and yell at them. He then called me some names and hung up.
Two years ago a gal brought her car in to be repaired. She needed a new door. She made a deposit and we bought the door used. (those cannot be returned) She then came in and said she did not have the rest of the money and demanded her deposit back. I said no, fight was on. They left. To be safe, we kept the door for two years in a corner of our shop. Guess what. In she came this week announcing she had the money and wanted her car fixed. (most body shops would have sold the door by now) She got a rental for a few days and we fixed her car. She had a balance due and when her car was ready, Abby called her and she screamed she had no money. NO MONEY, NO CAR. She said she would figure something out. (sweet elderly lady, not all there, wild hair) She came in two hours later, with cash and loved her the way here is a wallet I found in the rental, Bye! Rental company knew nothing about the wallet and did not want it. (everything in wallet, but money) I had the police pick it up Saturday Morning. I do not want to know either.
At the end of my rope with this business, I am bringing in a consultant next week to "fix the shop" He wants me to run it, lower overhead, but he has to teach me how. If I can do this and we make money, life will be good. I think problems are bigger than that and it will take more than a week. I will and am doing my best. everyone is hating me because I am making them work hard and be responsible for their work. I guess that is what it is about. I had to let my shop manager go as he was a high ticket guy and nothing got done. He visited all day. Now the challenge begins. I am your humble friend and hope you, mon Cheri, pray with me for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide me. Je Tem, All my love, Lynn Moore
Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn, by God, you learn.
C S Lewis
What I have learned in the last three years scares me. I have learned that the world is not what I thought it was. Nothing is as it was taught to me.
The last few weeks: Body men revolt. Family betrayal. An unknown harasser is threating me. Endless fatugue and no one to share with. No one wants to hear about the bottom rung of humanity or how it is affecting my life.
I answered the phone and a man, here from another country, proceed to demand a price on repairing the damage to his car. Sir, I am sorry I cannot do that without seeing your car. Can you bring it in for a free written estimate? Yelling began. What kind of customer service person are you. I will tell you the exact damage and you can give me a price. No sir, I am sorry I cannot...please stop yelling at me. YOU SHOULD BE FIRED WHAT KIND OF CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSON ARE YOU. IT IS A WONDER YOU HAVE ANY CUSTOMERS. Actually sir, many people do bring in their cars and we are able to give them an exact price in writing...I am thinking, please ask to speak to the owner....If I went to his country, I would not call people and yell at them. He then called me some names and hung up.
Two years ago a gal brought her car in to be repaired. She needed a new door. She made a deposit and we bought the door used. (those cannot be returned) She then came in and said she did not have the rest of the money and demanded her deposit back. I said no, fight was on. They left. To be safe, we kept the door for two years in a corner of our shop. Guess what. In she came this week announcing she had the money and wanted her car fixed. (most body shops would have sold the door by now) She got a rental for a few days and we fixed her car. She had a balance due and when her car was ready, Abby called her and she screamed she had no money. NO MONEY, NO CAR. She said she would figure something out. (sweet elderly lady, not all there, wild hair) She came in two hours later, with cash and loved her the way here is a wallet I found in the rental, Bye! Rental company knew nothing about the wallet and did not want it. (everything in wallet, but money) I had the police pick it up Saturday Morning. I do not want to know either.
At the end of my rope with this business, I am bringing in a consultant next week to "fix the shop" He wants me to run it, lower overhead, but he has to teach me how. If I can do this and we make money, life will be good. I think problems are bigger than that and it will take more than a week. I will and am doing my best. everyone is hating me because I am making them work hard and be responsible for their work. I guess that is what it is about. I had to let my shop manager go as he was a high ticket guy and nothing got done. He visited all day. Now the challenge begins. I am your humble friend and hope you, mon Cheri, pray with me for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide me. Je Tem, All my love, Lynn Moore
Friday, May 13, 2011
Happy Friday Mon Cheri! It is wonderful to have had the sun for the last few days. We have been busy. We have an emergency paint job, yes, you read that right, an emergency. A gentle man from Alabama called Abby several times on Thursday in a panic needing his car painted that day! He was very clear and upfront about the nature of the emergency and did not understand why Abby did not give the matter as serious attention as he did. He explained he was here seeing his girlfriend and they got in a fight. She scratched her name in every panel in his car. His dilemma was he had to get back to Alabama to his wife!
I dealt with another gentleman this week who was so out of line and loud that I had to tell him to leave. We were in the shop and he went ballistic and after I asked him twice to lower his voice and change his tone, I noticed two of my guys in the back walking up to clean his ornery little clock. I, in the interest of his safety told him to leave immediately. He stormed out and I went up front as I thought he was heading there to vent some more. The guys were coming up with me to be handy to clobber him if needed. Mr. Chap left and I went into my office to leave a message on his home machine. He was demanding his vehicle and I told him he need to pay for it first and walked away. His wife answered the phone, I am still a little irritated, and I told her I wanted to leave a message for him. I told her to tell him he was not to call or come in until I called and told him his car was ready. I told her to tell him what I was doing to it and that his behavior was not acceptable in my place of business and would not be tolerated again. She heaved a sigh and told me, "Honey, it is not you, I am so sorry, I have been apologizing for that man every day of my life for 30 years." She kept apologizing and, heaved again, and said and - I - have to live with him. What do you say to that!!!???!!! I told her not to worry and I would pray for her.
I called him yesterday morning and told him his car was ready and asked when he planned to come and get it. He said today and hung up on me. I thought, this will not be fun.
He came in very nice as she was standing behind him and they were giving each other that stink eye people give each other after 30 years of marriage. My sense was that she ordered him to apologize and he was not planning to do so and the stand off was happening right in front of me. I had no idea who would win, but I just wanted to take cover!
you gotta love this stuff....I am growing thicker skin and a wiser knowledge of how to stand my ground without inciting a riot.
I dealt with another gentleman this week who was so out of line and loud that I had to tell him to leave. We were in the shop and he went ballistic and after I asked him twice to lower his voice and change his tone, I noticed two of my guys in the back walking up to clean his ornery little clock. I, in the interest of his safety told him to leave immediately. He stormed out and I went up front as I thought he was heading there to vent some more. The guys were coming up with me to be handy to clobber him if needed. Mr. Chap left and I went into my office to leave a message on his home machine. He was demanding his vehicle and I told him he need to pay for it first and walked away. His wife answered the phone, I am still a little irritated, and I told her I wanted to leave a message for him. I told her to tell him he was not to call or come in until I called and told him his car was ready. I told her to tell him what I was doing to it and that his behavior was not acceptable in my place of business and would not be tolerated again. She heaved a sigh and told me, "Honey, it is not you, I am so sorry, I have been apologizing for that man every day of my life for 30 years." She kept apologizing and, heaved again, and said and - I - have to live with him. What do you say to that!!!???!!! I told her not to worry and I would pray for her.
I called him yesterday morning and told him his car was ready and asked when he planned to come and get it. He said today and hung up on me. I thought, this will not be fun.
He came in very nice as she was standing behind him and they were giving each other that stink eye people give each other after 30 years of marriage. My sense was that she ordered him to apologize and he was not planning to do so and the stand off was happening right in front of me. I had no idea who would win, but I just wanted to take cover!
you gotta love this stuff....I am growing thicker skin and a wiser knowledge of how to stand my ground without inciting a riot.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The infamous Dave Durango!!!
Beloved, yesterday I was at an attorney's office regarding our dear 73 Vega issue and called the office to ask Abby a question....I was told Abby was on the other line trying to find a Compressor!!!!! INSTANT PANIC. I told her to call me if the office blew up, that meant the compressor too. As I made a U-turn in the middle of a busy street, risking my very life, believing we were on CODE RED, I envisioned sending everyone home, calling 40 customers and telling them their cars would be late and desperately wanting a bottle of liquid medication.
When I got to the shop, I ran up to my shop manager, Mitch, screaming/crying "What happened?!" He seemed to me to be very calm under the circumstances and, low and behold, I am thinking why were the DAs running????? He proceeded to tell me that one of our employees had to leave because his wife wrecked the car.........WHAT...WHAT...WHAT..No man, what happened to the compressor?? Oh, it just went down for a minute and came back up. It seems ok now. (For that I made an illegal u turn???) OK, here is where Dave Durango comes in. Dave is the guy we call when the compressor needs attention. Dave, I think, is getting used to our panic calls.
Yesterday at around 4, Dave Durango saunters in. "WElllllll, lets talk.....Your main compressor is ok, but.....lets talk about repairing the back up one." OK, Dave, got any idea what we are talking, money wise?? "Sure.....depends on what your are your want me to rebuild it, get a new part or get a used part or if you want you can have a re-built part......Huh? "Yea, I remember, it went BOOM, and I thought, "That ain't good", then it went BANG, "yep, this ain't good" It is a cast iron piston and has to be pulled apart"........Huh? "Yep, you are talking around $2200. or $4500." HUH!!!
Yes, good old Dave Durango just sat and smiled. OK, I am a female, but spout from a family of engineers. OK, Dave, which would you do if it was your shop? (Visual..... Durango has Fabio hair and a wise grin.) Well, if it was my shop....then suddenly, we are talking about Marg Schott. Now I am confused???? I can usually follow a conversation, but how did Schott get into this??? Schott was a legendary lady, with a capitol B, known for her ability to create misery in the eyes of anyone who looked at her. Ok, Mr. Durango, now I am feeling like I do not know what you are trying to tell me...?????
So it goes, the colorful Mr. Durango is getting a few estimates to me for the back up compressor so the panic calls stop. The fear of having the main one go down, with no backup, is a scenario no body shop wants to face. Everything in the shop runs on air pressure.
Day goes I am saying it too, "Aw, this ain't good".
The sun shines today, this is a good sign. Phone rings, "how much is a free written estimate?" I am serious! I am dying to say, $10.00.....well, you asked Sir!!
I walked into another body shop yesterday and now I want all new furniture in the lobby. Ok, what will it be? New furniture or a compressor? Let the sun shine.........let the sun shine in.....Ohhhh sun shine in.......Love, Lynn Moore
When I got to the shop, I ran up to my shop manager, Mitch, screaming/crying "What happened?!" He seemed to me to be very calm under the circumstances and, low and behold, I am thinking why were the DAs running????? He proceeded to tell me that one of our employees had to leave because his wife wrecked the car.........WHAT...WHAT...WHAT..No man, what happened to the compressor?? Oh, it just went down for a minute and came back up. It seems ok now. (For that I made an illegal u turn???) OK, here is where Dave Durango comes in. Dave is the guy we call when the compressor needs attention. Dave, I think, is getting used to our panic calls.
Yesterday at around 4, Dave Durango saunters in. "WElllllll, lets talk.....Your main compressor is ok, but.....lets talk about repairing the back up one." OK, Dave, got any idea what we are talking, money wise?? "Sure.....depends on what your are your want me to rebuild it, get a new part or get a used part or if you want you can have a re-built part......Huh? "Yea, I remember, it went BOOM, and I thought, "That ain't good", then it went BANG, "yep, this ain't good" It is a cast iron piston and has to be pulled apart"........Huh? "Yep, you are talking around $2200. or $4500." HUH!!!
Yes, good old Dave Durango just sat and smiled. OK, I am a female, but spout from a family of engineers. OK, Dave, which would you do if it was your shop? (Visual..... Durango has Fabio hair and a wise grin.) Well, if it was my shop....then suddenly, we are talking about Marg Schott. Now I am confused???? I can usually follow a conversation, but how did Schott get into this??? Schott was a legendary lady, with a capitol B, known for her ability to create misery in the eyes of anyone who looked at her. Ok, Mr. Durango, now I am feeling like I do not know what you are trying to tell me...?????
So it goes, the colorful Mr. Durango is getting a few estimates to me for the back up compressor so the panic calls stop. The fear of having the main one go down, with no backup, is a scenario no body shop wants to face. Everything in the shop runs on air pressure.
Day goes I am saying it too, "Aw, this ain't good".
The sun shines today, this is a good sign. Phone rings, "how much is a free written estimate?" I am serious! I am dying to say, $10.00.....well, you asked Sir!!
I walked into another body shop yesterday and now I want all new furniture in the lobby. Ok, what will it be? New furniture or a compressor? Let the sun shine.........let the sun shine in.....Ohhhh sun shine in.......Love, Lynn Moore
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Products for the house stay in the house!
Bon Jour Mon Cheri!
Our thoughts become our words. Therefore, it is vitally important that we choose life-generating thoughts. When we do, right words will follow.
Joyce Meyer
Good Evening Beloved, Hectic and wild last couple of days. Monday typical, kinda slow, the day after Easter. Rain, of course. Tuesday am, Two police officers show up and ask me to step outside. It appeared someone had called them and told them I was going to kill myself with pills!! Now, that was a first. Was my ex-husband named Dan? No, I do not know a Dan. Dan who??? I WHAT! I assured them I was not that mad at the world. I wanted to ask them why they did not care when the creep threatened me in front of them, but seem to care now???? My fear was to be carried off and locked up in a loonie bin. When they walked in we girls were all laughing. A friend of facebook said I sure stirred someone's soup. I guess so.
That afternoon, I got a letter in the mail from the court house saying I was being sued by a gent who owned a 73 Vega! We painted it and it was a race car with a fiberglass front end. It was a real mess and the guy wanted it cheap, cheap, cheap. Did not want to do any bodywork, had done his own bodywork, crappy job. We told him several times, it will not look good as the surface sucks. His words, I just want it orange. The suit states, he does not feel it was a good job. I must admit it, I was chapped! Screaming chapped.
Here is another one for the books....A guy brought his son's car in to be painted and he had done the body work himself. Junk yard fender, etc. He also, bless his heart, attached the rocker panel with bathroom calk. Yes, you read it right. Brady, one of my guys came up front as he was precleaning it and it just kept coming off. I told him to take the car outside and leave it there, throw away all the rags and wash his hands really good. You see, beloved, Sylicone will cause auto paint to bubble. Sylicone anywhere in the air will cause auto paint to bubble. We could not get it off enough to assure a good paint job and it would effect the next ten cars if we had let it in our booth.
Abby called the man and told him he had to come get the car and clean the stuff off. He said he bought the alk at Home Depot and it said it was paintable. Abby, told him....SIR, House products stay in the house and auto products are for the car. He asked if we would clean it for 20 dollars, noooo.....maybe 200 dollars. They came and got it. I felt mean, but had to protect the next 20 customers. Bathroom calk. People!!!
I spent one day this week running the shop. I got in at 6 and had two cars done by the time the crew arrived. I made them come in the booth and I showed them what they had done wrong. There were a few other things I caught during the day in the back and I made them do it right and told them to do it this way everytime. I was so dirty and tired, but I think it is a good thing to do on a regular basis. I caught several things that needed to be changed and changed them. The guys worked hard. I told them that too. One of my boys had a car accident last night and got a concussion. He is the same one who the hood slammed on his hand a while back. He has had a rough month. Car was totaled.
Tomorrow, we shut down and are going to clean the booths. Massive job, power washing both of them, cleaning everything and then using pumps to get the water out. Dirty work, but way over due.
With that lovely thought, I will say Bon Nuit. All my love, Lynn, no such luck I won't be killing myself, Moore
Our thoughts become our words. Therefore, it is vitally important that we choose life-generating thoughts. When we do, right words will follow.
Joyce Meyer
Good Evening Beloved, Hectic and wild last couple of days. Monday typical, kinda slow, the day after Easter. Rain, of course. Tuesday am, Two police officers show up and ask me to step outside. It appeared someone had called them and told them I was going to kill myself with pills!! Now, that was a first. Was my ex-husband named Dan? No, I do not know a Dan. Dan who??? I WHAT! I assured them I was not that mad at the world. I wanted to ask them why they did not care when the creep threatened me in front of them, but seem to care now???? My fear was to be carried off and locked up in a loonie bin. When they walked in we girls were all laughing. A friend of facebook said I sure stirred someone's soup. I guess so.
That afternoon, I got a letter in the mail from the court house saying I was being sued by a gent who owned a 73 Vega! We painted it and it was a race car with a fiberglass front end. It was a real mess and the guy wanted it cheap, cheap, cheap. Did not want to do any bodywork, had done his own bodywork, crappy job. We told him several times, it will not look good as the surface sucks. His words, I just want it orange. The suit states, he does not feel it was a good job. I must admit it, I was chapped! Screaming chapped.
Here is another one for the books....A guy brought his son's car in to be painted and he had done the body work himself. Junk yard fender, etc. He also, bless his heart, attached the rocker panel with bathroom calk. Yes, you read it right. Brady, one of my guys came up front as he was precleaning it and it just kept coming off. I told him to take the car outside and leave it there, throw away all the rags and wash his hands really good. You see, beloved, Sylicone will cause auto paint to bubble. Sylicone anywhere in the air will cause auto paint to bubble. We could not get it off enough to assure a good paint job and it would effect the next ten cars if we had let it in our booth.
Abby called the man and told him he had to come get the car and clean the stuff off. He said he bought the alk at Home Depot and it said it was paintable. Abby, told him....SIR, House products stay in the house and auto products are for the car. He asked if we would clean it for 20 dollars, noooo.....maybe 200 dollars. They came and got it. I felt mean, but had to protect the next 20 customers. Bathroom calk. People!!!
I spent one day this week running the shop. I got in at 6 and had two cars done by the time the crew arrived. I made them come in the booth and I showed them what they had done wrong. There were a few other things I caught during the day in the back and I made them do it right and told them to do it this way everytime. I was so dirty and tired, but I think it is a good thing to do on a regular basis. I caught several things that needed to be changed and changed them. The guys worked hard. I told them that too. One of my boys had a car accident last night and got a concussion. He is the same one who the hood slammed on his hand a while back. He has had a rough month. Car was totaled.
Tomorrow, we shut down and are going to clean the booths. Massive job, power washing both of them, cleaning everything and then using pumps to get the water out. Dirty work, but way over due.
With that lovely thought, I will say Bon Nuit. All my love, Lynn, no such luck I won't be killing myself, Moore
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Scar-face, again
Mon Cheri,
my favorite quote, again, (10/5/2009)
This befell and be-happened and became and was, O my best beloved when the tame animals were wild.
Rudyard Kipling
It is 6:00pm and I sit here with you. Everyone is gone, except Hugh who is painting a car. We have an incentive out there and they are running a little short. So, the dedicated are still out there working. Hugh. I will bring it up tomorrow morning who they owe their bonus money to.
We fixed a car for a gentleman and his wife a year ago. He has had something break recently and feels it is our obligation to repair it for free. He has been told no by Maaco Corporate as well as the BBB. He sent me an email today and told me that he feels if a company does a service, they are responsible for life. His final words..."You will pay". Now, how would you take that beloved??? Do I need to dodge rocks flying through windows or does he plan to sue me? Hopefully, it is a pathetic attempt to intimidate me. I did not answer it as it was attached to a letter from the BBB stating to him that he did not have a claim and as far as they were concerned, I had fulfilled my obligations to him fully. End of Story. I love my job. Where is the person who was supposed to warn me about this? Aren't you supposed to be told what you are getting into before you leap? I thought that was how it worked.
Scar-face.....We painted motorcycle parts a beautiful pearl white recently. The gent then took the gas tank to an artist and had a beautiful sepia "Scar-face" airbrushed on it. Ooooo and Ahhhhhh it was. For safe keeping it was in my office, (if I told you this before, sorry, it is the vodka) and yours truly knocked it off a table and Scar-face had a few more scars. Yes, I cried. I picked it up from the artist today and it is back in my office, again, on the same table, again. We need to clear coat it and hopefully put it back in the hands of the owner with no further ado. The artist was really rude and I guess it is an artist thing. Cannot say I have known many.
I spent yesterday am at the jail getting one of my boys out. It is hard and emotional to do that, not to mention expensive. We go to court on May 2nd and hopefully it will be over. Someone has to care...remember when I talked about the throw away animals and kids. Someone has to care. They also did not tell me that when I started my own business. You will care too much. It will take a lot out of you.
I think they are about done in the back. Hugh and Mitch, the shop manager. I am ready for a glass of wine and some time to "do me". ("do me" means to take care of myself, do something nice for myself)
All my love Mon Cheri and if I turn up missing, the paperwork is in my bottom desk drawer on the "you will pay" guy. hugs and kisses me
my favorite quote, again, (10/5/2009)
This befell and be-happened and became and was, O my best beloved when the tame animals were wild.
Rudyard Kipling
It is 6:00pm and I sit here with you. Everyone is gone, except Hugh who is painting a car. We have an incentive out there and they are running a little short. So, the dedicated are still out there working. Hugh. I will bring it up tomorrow morning who they owe their bonus money to.
We fixed a car for a gentleman and his wife a year ago. He has had something break recently and feels it is our obligation to repair it for free. He has been told no by Maaco Corporate as well as the BBB. He sent me an email today and told me that he feels if a company does a service, they are responsible for life. His final words..."You will pay". Now, how would you take that beloved??? Do I need to dodge rocks flying through windows or does he plan to sue me? Hopefully, it is a pathetic attempt to intimidate me. I did not answer it as it was attached to a letter from the BBB stating to him that he did not have a claim and as far as they were concerned, I had fulfilled my obligations to him fully. End of Story. I love my job. Where is the person who was supposed to warn me about this? Aren't you supposed to be told what you are getting into before you leap? I thought that was how it worked.
Scar-face.....We painted motorcycle parts a beautiful pearl white recently. The gent then took the gas tank to an artist and had a beautiful sepia "Scar-face" airbrushed on it. Ooooo and Ahhhhhh it was. For safe keeping it was in my office, (if I told you this before, sorry, it is the vodka) and yours truly knocked it off a table and Scar-face had a few more scars. Yes, I cried. I picked it up from the artist today and it is back in my office, again, on the same table, again. We need to clear coat it and hopefully put it back in the hands of the owner with no further ado. The artist was really rude and I guess it is an artist thing. Cannot say I have known many.
I spent yesterday am at the jail getting one of my boys out. It is hard and emotional to do that, not to mention expensive. We go to court on May 2nd and hopefully it will be over. Someone has to care...remember when I talked about the throw away animals and kids. Someone has to care. They also did not tell me that when I started my own business. You will care too much. It will take a lot out of you.
I think they are about done in the back. Hugh and Mitch, the shop manager. I am ready for a glass of wine and some time to "do me". ("do me" means to take care of myself, do something nice for myself)
All my love Mon Cheri and if I turn up missing, the paperwork is in my bottom desk drawer on the "you will pay" guy. hugs and kisses me
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Noah, get that boat finished! It is raining in Ohio!
Kind and loving Lady, Mon Cheri and Beloved. We had a day so busy yesterday, I, yes I, did a few estimates. We have cars everywhere which is a good thing as it is supposed to rain the rest of the week. Build a boat kind of rain. The shop is humming and I have thrown out an incentive to hit a number. They will be working hard this week. Yes, gentlemen, we still have bills to pay.
During our mad rush yesterday, a lovely elderly lady brought in an old work order which said on it that the customer refused to strip off the old peeling paint and therefor there was no warranty on the paint. It was a year out of the warranty if it had been ligit, but she stood at the desk and got nasty with Abby as the paint is peeling, again. We showed her that her husband declined to fix the problem and to just paint over it and he signed so. Saint Abby offered to fix it correctly this time, but the woman yelled at her, "are you going to do it for FREE?" Abby explained why, nicely, not(I am thinking Hell NO). She then announced she was heading for an attorney and wanted copies of all we had. Abby started to the copy machine and I told the lady to have a nice day. She said what about my copies, I said, "I am sure you have them at home, now have a nice day." Out she went. Like I was going to make copies for her! PEOPLE, Learn, you get so much further ahead by being nice!!!!
We still Have Jeffrie's car. It now has a clear coat over the entire multi color exterior and decals. We are still wondering how much more he can find to do to it. He calls for Abby 10 times a day and I believe is just lonely. Hopefully, he finds a less expensive way to meet his people needs.
My darling Abby retained a large square metal rust box on wheels that used to be an armored car. We have 30 body hours in it to de-rust it and then they want it painted. It is currently not distinguishable as a vehicle of any kind, but the person who brought it in was wearing a weapon, a big weapon and uniform so they must consider it an armored car. Thus, they were armed. So, that will be fun to watch. Perhaps we may find a bill or two tucked in the cracks. We did find a shell casing, 38, under the seat of a car. Had to be a drive by experience.
My Body Guy, Brandy left early yesterday as it was his, just remembered, wedding anniversary. This morning, I asked him if he had a good evening? He said he left here and went and bought all the flowers he could find and filled his trunk. He then went home and asked his wife if she would get the stuff he left in his trunk. awwwwww.... That is what you get on your second wedding anniversary!
All my love my beloved, God Bless, Lynn
During our mad rush yesterday, a lovely elderly lady brought in an old work order which said on it that the customer refused to strip off the old peeling paint and therefor there was no warranty on the paint. It was a year out of the warranty if it had been ligit, but she stood at the desk and got nasty with Abby as the paint is peeling, again. We showed her that her husband declined to fix the problem and to just paint over it and he signed so. Saint Abby offered to fix it correctly this time, but the woman yelled at her, "are you going to do it for FREE?" Abby explained why, nicely, not(I am thinking Hell NO). She then announced she was heading for an attorney and wanted copies of all we had. Abby started to the copy machine and I told the lady to have a nice day. She said what about my copies, I said, "I am sure you have them at home, now have a nice day." Out she went. Like I was going to make copies for her! PEOPLE, Learn, you get so much further ahead by being nice!!!!
We still Have Jeffrie's car. It now has a clear coat over the entire multi color exterior and decals. We are still wondering how much more he can find to do to it. He calls for Abby 10 times a day and I believe is just lonely. Hopefully, he finds a less expensive way to meet his people needs.
My darling Abby retained a large square metal rust box on wheels that used to be an armored car. We have 30 body hours in it to de-rust it and then they want it painted. It is currently not distinguishable as a vehicle of any kind, but the person who brought it in was wearing a weapon, a big weapon and uniform so they must consider it an armored car. Thus, they were armed. So, that will be fun to watch. Perhaps we may find a bill or two tucked in the cracks. We did find a shell casing, 38, under the seat of a car. Had to be a drive by experience.
My Body Guy, Brandy left early yesterday as it was his, just remembered, wedding anniversary. This morning, I asked him if he had a good evening? He said he left here and went and bought all the flowers he could find and filled his trunk. He then went home and asked his wife if she would get the stuff he left in his trunk. awwwwww.... That is what you get on your second wedding anniversary!
All my love my beloved, God Bless, Lynn
Friday, April 15, 2011
A Rainy Friday Night - Do Your Best and Cope With The Rest
Bon Jour Mon Cheri, Another week is over, paychecks handed out to tired puppies. Join me, Mon Cheri in a glass of wine and a few stories. First a quote to wake you up:
Passionate actions and amorous gesticulations or movements, which arise on the spur of the moment, and during sexual intercourse, cannot be defined, and are as irregular as dreams.
Kama Sutra
Jeffry, the flaming Mustang guy just keeps bringing his car back to have more and more bling added. I think he is very lonely and just wants to be around Abby. He has been behaved most of the time.
If you remember, last Christmas a man asked me to sleep with his wife....He stopped in and this time it really creeped me out. I was kind of rude and he left. Then, had the nerve to send an email asking for a picture for his wife. That did it. I told him what I thought of him and told him under no certain terms to leave me alone. Do we think he got the hint this time??? time will tell.
We painted a brass headboard and foot board for a nice gal for her daughters room. It was hers when she was a child and looked really rough. We painted it white and it looked brand new. She was thrilled. I was quite surprised and thought a secondary business could be born. I could hunt the junk stores and repaint a few things and sell them. Perhaps I should advertise such and get into the decorating side of things, not just cars.
Remember the car we redid for the Sisters of Charity?? They brought lunch for the entire crew this week and it was wonderful. The guys were really touched. We all were. God Bless you Sister!
I am tired and afraid I lack creativity at the moment. I will end here before I bore myself to death. It is rainy, cold and there is nothing on tv. This body shop lady could use some_________and then a little_________. Perhaps with some__________and___________I could sleep like a baby.
All my love Mon Cheri, Lynn M.
Passionate actions and amorous gesticulations or movements, which arise on the spur of the moment, and during sexual intercourse, cannot be defined, and are as irregular as dreams.
Kama Sutra
Jeffry, the flaming Mustang guy just keeps bringing his car back to have more and more bling added. I think he is very lonely and just wants to be around Abby. He has been behaved most of the time.
If you remember, last Christmas a man asked me to sleep with his wife....He stopped in and this time it really creeped me out. I was kind of rude and he left. Then, had the nerve to send an email asking for a picture for his wife. That did it. I told him what I thought of him and told him under no certain terms to leave me alone. Do we think he got the hint this time??? time will tell.
We painted a brass headboard and foot board for a nice gal for her daughters room. It was hers when she was a child and looked really rough. We painted it white and it looked brand new. She was thrilled. I was quite surprised and thought a secondary business could be born. I could hunt the junk stores and repaint a few things and sell them. Perhaps I should advertise such and get into the decorating side of things, not just cars.
Remember the car we redid for the Sisters of Charity?? They brought lunch for the entire crew this week and it was wonderful. The guys were really touched. We all were. God Bless you Sister!
I am tired and afraid I lack creativity at the moment. I will end here before I bore myself to death. It is rainy, cold and there is nothing on tv. This body shop lady could use some_________and then a little_________. Perhaps with some__________and___________I could sleep like a baby.
All my love Mon Cheri, Lynn M.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
No sir, paint does not fix dents"
Bon jour,
true questions:
How much is a free written estimate?
Will the paint fix the rust?
Why do you have to mask the windows before you paint a car?
What do you mean there is no warranty if you paint over my peeling paint?
Can you paint my car while I wait?
Can you fix this rust bucket van and paint it for around $100.00?
Beloved, it was a hectic, but good week. Most everyone was happy, customers. The crew started at 6 every morning and by Friday, they were tired puppies, but all had overtime and got quite a bit done. One of my guys had a hood fall on his hand. I took him to Urgent care to get an Xray and it was not broken. He is a very lucky young man, albeit in great pain. I bought his rx and sent him home for a few days. I then spent the rest of the day filling out the workers comp forms. I hate you Government.
There was a storm this week, I was running from one end of the shop to the oother. I had a squeege and was trying to push the water back out the door before it hit the booths. Power went out and ran to the circuit boxes, pulled in freshly painted cars and blew the water off, Now I have a broken paint booth and each week something breaks. Question: How do I gget the crew to have a sense of urgency??? love you, L
true questions:
How much is a free written estimate?
Will the paint fix the rust?
Why do you have to mask the windows before you paint a car?
What do you mean there is no warranty if you paint over my peeling paint?
Can you paint my car while I wait?
Can you fix this rust bucket van and paint it for around $100.00?
Beloved, it was a hectic, but good week. Most everyone was happy, customers. The crew started at 6 every morning and by Friday, they were tired puppies, but all had overtime and got quite a bit done. One of my guys had a hood fall on his hand. I took him to Urgent care to get an Xray and it was not broken. He is a very lucky young man, albeit in great pain. I bought his rx and sent him home for a few days. I then spent the rest of the day filling out the workers comp forms. I hate you Government.
There was a storm this week, I was running from one end of the shop to the oother. I had a squeege and was trying to push the water back out the door before it hit the booths. Power went out and ran to the circuit boxes, pulled in freshly painted cars and blew the water off, Now I have a broken paint booth and each week something breaks. Question: How do I gget the crew to have a sense of urgency??? love you, L
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Saturday Morning and no rest for the wicked
Bon Jour Mon Cheri! Gentle reader, it is 9:30am on Saturday and I have been here since six am. I met here my shop manager, a body man and two technicians hoping to get caught up. It was dark when I pulled in an they were getting out of their cars and one of my guys says, "Don't shoot boss, it is us!" Oh haha. They think it is funny to have a boss lady with a gun. I spent the first two hours working in the shop with the guys then worked on paperwork. Now I am spending time with you.
We are still waiting on warm weather. Everyone is so tired of being cold. Abby has worked so hard this week. We call her Saint Abby now. The endless patience is amazing.
Let me tell you about Jeffry. Jeffry is about 5'4" and weighs about 450#. He is flaming and is proud of it. We painted and jazzed up his Mustang. Jeffry came in one day with a lime green wig on and bent over with his shirt open and pushed his chest together and announced he was a WOMAN. He likes to hang out and I have had to tell him several times, HEY, Church Nice here. He shares his stories with Abby and hits on Hugh. One day, after Jeffry left, Hugh was sitting on the stool staring and said to no one in particular, I am going home and take a alcohol bath. Jeffry has made it clear to Abby, he wants her husband. Thank God his car is done. He still calls and I am sure will find reasons to stop by. As long as there are no customers or children in the shop, he keeps us laughing, except Hugh, he did not find him so funny.
We continue to have delightful customers and strange to scary ones. A woman from India, who wanted her daughter's car perfect...(never perfect again after an accident fyi) asked questions for two hours, but would not let Abby answer she would say, now don't interrupt. So, Abby politely listened to questions for two straight hours. She then wanted to take the car without paying and started to talk about how our country trusted her country. Abby said no. period. Brandy is working on a pick up truck we painted bright metalic orange.
I have a young man who works for me who cannot get his driver's lic back until he paid off a debt. I called the people and they said he owed $2800. on the debt that was 1500 and he had paid $500. They said the interest was 57 cents a day!!! I thought that was a sin and illegal. I offered them $1500. to settle and to forget the rest and they took it. They have to fax the release and we need to go to the dmv and get him set up again. I used tough love and told him he does not drive until he pays me back and saves enough to get a car AND insurance. He is not to drive w/o ins again. I told him next time he would be in jail and no one could help him then. He is such a good kid. Grew up in the foster care system, but somehow developed values and a great work ethic. Just got in a mess, told him it would take a while to dig out but it could be done.
So, I am ready to go back to bed for a while today. We did a candy car this week and he is coming to pay for it and take it. My guys are still working, so I am just waiting. With this, my precious, I will wish you a wonderful weekend. Shangri la (my alter ego)
We are still waiting on warm weather. Everyone is so tired of being cold. Abby has worked so hard this week. We call her Saint Abby now. The endless patience is amazing.
Let me tell you about Jeffry. Jeffry is about 5'4" and weighs about 450#. He is flaming and is proud of it. We painted and jazzed up his Mustang. Jeffry came in one day with a lime green wig on and bent over with his shirt open and pushed his chest together and announced he was a WOMAN. He likes to hang out and I have had to tell him several times, HEY, Church Nice here. He shares his stories with Abby and hits on Hugh. One day, after Jeffry left, Hugh was sitting on the stool staring and said to no one in particular, I am going home and take a alcohol bath. Jeffry has made it clear to Abby, he wants her husband. Thank God his car is done. He still calls and I am sure will find reasons to stop by. As long as there are no customers or children in the shop, he keeps us laughing, except Hugh, he did not find him so funny.
We continue to have delightful customers and strange to scary ones. A woman from India, who wanted her daughter's car perfect...(never perfect again after an accident fyi) asked questions for two hours, but would not let Abby answer she would say, now don't interrupt. So, Abby politely listened to questions for two straight hours. She then wanted to take the car without paying and started to talk about how our country trusted her country. Abby said no. period. Brandy is working on a pick up truck we painted bright metalic orange.
I have a young man who works for me who cannot get his driver's lic back until he paid off a debt. I called the people and they said he owed $2800. on the debt that was 1500 and he had paid $500. They said the interest was 57 cents a day!!! I thought that was a sin and illegal. I offered them $1500. to settle and to forget the rest and they took it. They have to fax the release and we need to go to the dmv and get him set up again. I used tough love and told him he does not drive until he pays me back and saves enough to get a car AND insurance. He is not to drive w/o ins again. I told him next time he would be in jail and no one could help him then. He is such a good kid. Grew up in the foster care system, but somehow developed values and a great work ethic. Just got in a mess, told him it would take a while to dig out but it could be done.
So, I am ready to go back to bed for a while today. We did a candy car this week and he is coming to pay for it and take it. My guys are still working, so I am just waiting. With this, my precious, I will wish you a wonderful weekend. Shangri la (my alter ego)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
It is 5 O'Clock in morning and the michrophone smells like a beer.......
Good Saturday Morning Gentle readers. It is way too early to be awake on a Saturday and I hope you are not. I cannot sleep, so I will use this time to add my crazy stories to entertain anyone who may be interested.
"It is courage that makes all kinds of things possible. And love. And that's what makes the time meaningful."
Uma Thurman
As a business person, it is money that makes the time meaningful. As a person/business person, it is money and happy customers. As a human, it is not about any money, it is about being human and respect.
It is Saturday and I have to go in for a few hours. I do not want to. I need to play bill collector starting Monday. I have to drive to a big trucking company and sit in their office until they pay me for all the vans we did last year. I have to walk across the street and take a young man's car away until he pays what he still owes, which he promised two weeks ago. I have to call a police department again. I should just make people pay up front and be tougher. What they do not know is, I will not let them off the hook. I am relentless.
Got to get up and get ready for the shop. Later my dear friends. Lynn
"It is courage that makes all kinds of things possible. And love. And that's what makes the time meaningful."
Uma Thurman
As a business person, it is money that makes the time meaningful. As a person/business person, it is money and happy customers. As a human, it is not about any money, it is about being human and respect.
It is Saturday and I have to go in for a few hours. I do not want to. I need to play bill collector starting Monday. I have to drive to a big trucking company and sit in their office until they pay me for all the vans we did last year. I have to walk across the street and take a young man's car away until he pays what he still owes, which he promised two weeks ago. I have to call a police department again. I should just make people pay up front and be tougher. What they do not know is, I will not let them off the hook. I am relentless.
Got to get up and get ready for the shop. Later my dear friends. Lynn
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Ides of March 2011
Bon Jour Gentle Beloved reader, It is a cold and quiet Friday morning. I think that means we will have a busy afternoon. Day started with a 6 month old dog running around our lot, scared to death. Since our area is all business and busy streets, we coaxed the sweet guy into the shop. I called the police and they called the SPCA. They came and got him and then I started to cry. How could I feel so bad when the dog slept by my desk for just two hours? He had to have been abandoned. The police said if anyone called they would give them my number. People throw away animals all the time and it is so sad. Imagine the children thrown away daily in the world.
Ok, enough, now I am mad. I bought Abby a nice stapler for $25.00 at the office store and IT IS GONE. A customer put it in their pocket or purse. I should call the police! I get on the girls for leaving their cell phones and digital camera on the desk and they act like I am paranoid. Now, they will be more conscious of leaving things laying around. A STAPLER!
We have finished the Sisters of Charity car. We did it as a donation. It came in peeling everywhere and the roof was covered with rust. It is now beautiful! They are picking it up at 12:00. Everyone worked hard on it and we did it as a donation. I even got the Glass Company to not charge us to remove and install the rear windshield to repair the rust and put in new molding. He did not charge me, but came in with a piece of white tape on his black shirt calling himself Father Sal, telling me I am a sucker. After a lot of laughing, I smacked him.
We have been very busy and it is a blessing. Did I tell you about the man who started to yell at me regarding Priests and little boys......Did I tell you about the young man who came in yesterday for an estimate who could not stop sucking his thumb to talk......did I tell you about the woman who was so nasty about her repair, and she worked for the insurance company and the insurance claims adjuster was so sick of her nasty self, he called us and told us to give her car no matter what and that he never wanted to talk to her again. That is bad.
Did I tell you about the young gangster who gave us the name of Shawn God. No kidding. He had a dagger in his engine compartment. I took it out and gave it to a police friend. He said that it is used when he stops by the side of the road with his hood up and robs the first Good Samaritan who stops. He got so ugly when he came in I called the police, something I hate to do these days. I had to ask the officer to tell him to stop talking to my daughter-in-law like that. I asked them to run his license and he did not want to be bothered. There was no VIN on the car. He claimed, even though he signed his name, God, right by the total and the work order, that he was never told the price and it was not right. The cop told him to pay his bill and leave. He threatened me with various pains including a law suit and off he walked. I had visions of being chased home again and was a little nervous. His car looked way better than we expected it would and I am sure he thought so too. He just wanted to get out of paying for it. Funny, we never heard from him regarding his dagger.
With all my love for a blessed day, I am back to work. Lynn
Ok, enough, now I am mad. I bought Abby a nice stapler for $25.00 at the office store and IT IS GONE. A customer put it in their pocket or purse. I should call the police! I get on the girls for leaving their cell phones and digital camera on the desk and they act like I am paranoid. Now, they will be more conscious of leaving things laying around. A STAPLER!
We have finished the Sisters of Charity car. We did it as a donation. It came in peeling everywhere and the roof was covered with rust. It is now beautiful! They are picking it up at 12:00. Everyone worked hard on it and we did it as a donation. I even got the Glass Company to not charge us to remove and install the rear windshield to repair the rust and put in new molding. He did not charge me, but came in with a piece of white tape on his black shirt calling himself Father Sal, telling me I am a sucker. After a lot of laughing, I smacked him.
We have been very busy and it is a blessing. Did I tell you about the man who started to yell at me regarding Priests and little boys......Did I tell you about the young man who came in yesterday for an estimate who could not stop sucking his thumb to talk......did I tell you about the woman who was so nasty about her repair, and she worked for the insurance company and the insurance claims adjuster was so sick of her nasty self, he called us and told us to give her car no matter what and that he never wanted to talk to her again. That is bad.
Did I tell you about the young gangster who gave us the name of Shawn God. No kidding. He had a dagger in his engine compartment. I took it out and gave it to a police friend. He said that it is used when he stops by the side of the road with his hood up and robs the first Good Samaritan who stops. He got so ugly when he came in I called the police, something I hate to do these days. I had to ask the officer to tell him to stop talking to my daughter-in-law like that. I asked them to run his license and he did not want to be bothered. There was no VIN on the car. He claimed, even though he signed his name, God, right by the total and the work order, that he was never told the price and it was not right. The cop told him to pay his bill and leave. He threatened me with various pains including a law suit and off he walked. I had visions of being chased home again and was a little nervous. His car looked way better than we expected it would and I am sure he thought so too. He just wanted to get out of paying for it. Funny, we never heard from him regarding his dagger.
With all my love for a blessed day, I am back to work. Lynn
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Lets get back to work
Mon Cheri and Gentle beloved, it is time to share the wealth of insanity and fun that goes on all day. I took a break as I have time from time and I have a list of interesting new people to share. Ah, but where to begin?? I can begin with yesterday and work backward. My experiences of the last couple of months have taken me a step further into the "tough" zone. Yesterday, a young man whose car we fixed last summer, the one full of bullet holes, came in. I had started procedures to take the car as abandoned and he only owed two hundred dollars. None of the phone numbers or addresses worked the the kid. He walked in and had the NERVE to say to my employee, I only have a few dollars, but I am sure you want to get rid of it bad enough to tell me to take it. I ran out of my office and told him under no certain terms the full amount is paid for today, before he leaves and the car is gone tomorrow or it is mine! Suddenly, guess what, he did have the full amount in cash. The car was towed yesterday. My employee said I actually scared her. I was not loud or threatening, but my voice meant business. My employee was ready to get her money out! So, my soft side a couple of years ago would have bought that this is the only money I have, but not anymore. And guess what......
I thank God I am not in the auto insurance business. Wow, the crap people pull. They come in to get an estimate, say no, I do not have insurance, than get the full insurance estimate, get a two party check and want me to sign it and keep the money. Gentle readers, that is insurance fraud. we had a gal two weeks ago, who called Abby and said she picked up her insurance rental two week ago and wanted to bring her car in for repair now. She was complaining that the ins. com. called her and told her to return the rental. She wanted us to pay for her rental. Her car was driveable and it was a 4 day rental while the car was repaired. Abby, said no, and then Hell NO when she argued.
I have dealt with the police three times since I last wrote. each a crazy experience, to be discussed tomorrow.
I took a day and a half off for my birthday. It was the usual, tears of pain of no one caring and depression. I went back to work, got busy and it is over for another year.
Bon Jour Mon Cheri.
I thank God I am not in the auto insurance business. Wow, the crap people pull. They come in to get an estimate, say no, I do not have insurance, than get the full insurance estimate, get a two party check and want me to sign it and keep the money. Gentle readers, that is insurance fraud. we had a gal two weeks ago, who called Abby and said she picked up her insurance rental two week ago and wanted to bring her car in for repair now. She was complaining that the ins. com. called her and told her to return the rental. She wanted us to pay for her rental. Her car was driveable and it was a 4 day rental while the car was repaired. Abby, said no, and then Hell NO when she argued.
I have dealt with the police three times since I last wrote. each a crazy experience, to be discussed tomorrow.
I took a day and a half off for my birthday. It was the usual, tears of pain of no one caring and depression. I went back to work, got busy and it is over for another year.
Bon Jour Mon Cheri.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Good Saturday Morning, Mon Cheri! I am again writing to you from the comfort of my bed on this rainy Saturday morning. It was a memorable week at the shop. Abby was gone all week, so there was just two of us up front, Les, my estimator and me. Of course, we were so busy, we could not take bathroom breaks. We took in 30 cars and did estimates non stop. The phones were nuts.
It is very, very cold here and I think people wanted to get stuff done, but did not want to go out. I kindly explained to callers that I could not do an estimate on their dents and rust over the phone, but would be happy to do so for free if they could bring in their vehicle. I was argued with, hung up on and yelled at. I got angry a couple of times and told them no! or if they wanted more information, they would have to hold while I took care of the customers who were there getting their estimates. What rude fools.
We had an extensive insurance repair for a gentle man close to 90. His insurance company told him they would pay for his rental for an 8 day repair. We carefully planned his appointment so the 8 days would be up the day he recieved his social security check so he could pay his deductable and get his car.....well, day 6 the insurance called the rental place and turned off the rental. Upon calling, the insurance claims person meant that the 8 days including the weekend!!! Have been doing this for a while now guys, no insurance repair time includes weekends! I had a "intense" conversation with the insurance supervisor regarding their customer and hey, this is your customer and we are talking about an elderly man on social security. I got yelled at "why should we pay rental while his car just sits" I asked because he has paid his premiums for a long time and you are human, or so your commercials say on tv. I ended hanging up and telling her I would share our conversation with their customer. I was disguisted, but to my surprise two customers in my shop stood up and Wowed me for how hard I fought for my customer! I just figured that ins. co. would never send me any business, but the customers in the shop were thrilled to see someone fight for their best interest against the ins. co. (was that a negative or positive business move???)
I ended up letting them (father and daughter)have the car, she left me her driver's license and came back in two days with the deductable. Could not thank me enough.
I met many crazy, nasty people this week, but met a BEAUTIFUL 85 year old woman, a holocaust survivor, who speaks publically on her experience and tolerance, volunteers two days a week at the hospital. I did not want to let her go! I wanted to keep talking to her. Just her presence was a blessing. She also began the museum of the Holicaust at the Universisty here in town. She is going to bring a brochure when she comes and I plan to hear her speak and visit the museum.
It is not, never has been and never will be about me will it Lord. As bad as it hurts sometimes, lonely, tired etc., it is not about me.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. All my love, Mon Cheri. Ms. Moore
It is very, very cold here and I think people wanted to get stuff done, but did not want to go out. I kindly explained to callers that I could not do an estimate on their dents and rust over the phone, but would be happy to do so for free if they could bring in their vehicle. I was argued with, hung up on and yelled at. I got angry a couple of times and told them no! or if they wanted more information, they would have to hold while I took care of the customers who were there getting their estimates. What rude fools.
We had an extensive insurance repair for a gentle man close to 90. His insurance company told him they would pay for his rental for an 8 day repair. We carefully planned his appointment so the 8 days would be up the day he recieved his social security check so he could pay his deductable and get his car.....well, day 6 the insurance called the rental place and turned off the rental. Upon calling, the insurance claims person meant that the 8 days including the weekend!!! Have been doing this for a while now guys, no insurance repair time includes weekends! I had a "intense" conversation with the insurance supervisor regarding their customer and hey, this is your customer and we are talking about an elderly man on social security. I got yelled at "why should we pay rental while his car just sits" I asked because he has paid his premiums for a long time and you are human, or so your commercials say on tv. I ended hanging up and telling her I would share our conversation with their customer. I was disguisted, but to my surprise two customers in my shop stood up and Wowed me for how hard I fought for my customer! I just figured that ins. co. would never send me any business, but the customers in the shop were thrilled to see someone fight for their best interest against the ins. co. (was that a negative or positive business move???)
I ended up letting them (father and daughter)have the car, she left me her driver's license and came back in two days with the deductable. Could not thank me enough.
I met many crazy, nasty people this week, but met a BEAUTIFUL 85 year old woman, a holocaust survivor, who speaks publically on her experience and tolerance, volunteers two days a week at the hospital. I did not want to let her go! I wanted to keep talking to her. Just her presence was a blessing. She also began the museum of the Holicaust at the Universisty here in town. She is going to bring a brochure when she comes and I plan to hear her speak and visit the museum.
It is not, never has been and never will be about me will it Lord. As bad as it hurts sometimes, lonely, tired etc., it is not about me.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. All my love, Mon Cheri. Ms. Moore
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Life Goes On - We Do Our Best
Good Evening Mon Cheri, Beloved, Thursday evening and the weather is as turbulent as the economy. I drove an employee home as he had no way. The freeway was terrifying. We closed at 4:00 because the weather was so bad. On the way home, I remembered a line from the movie, Dr. Zhivago. When Laura and Dr. Zhivago went to the country house and it was all frozen and wolves were howling outside, Laura turned to the good Dr. and said, "It is a terrible time to be alive". Quote:
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Jesus Christ (0-33 AD)
It is just you and me Mon Cheri. The family has left the building. My son Hugh has moved on and I am sure Abby will be soon gone as well. Now, it is just a Body shop owned by a lady, not a family. My heart is broken and I won't go into anymore of the family drama.
We had a gentleman come in to get an estimate on painting his old truck. Les was doing his estimate when I walked by and he was complaining that 5 hundred something was outrageous to paint a truck. I stopped and nicely said, "Sir, it is not 1950 anymore and this is not Earl Schibe. that is a great price to paint a pickup. He left his truck and it turned out great and he was a happy guy. I have got to get my people selling. We need business. Les commented to Abby later that I was "fiesty" today. GET THE CAR.
Tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of a weekend, a needed weekend. We will see how we do next week. Lord, please do not let me be gullible anymore. I need my tallons out!
Bon Nuit.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Jesus Christ (0-33 AD)
It is just you and me Mon Cheri. The family has left the building. My son Hugh has moved on and I am sure Abby will be soon gone as well. Now, it is just a Body shop owned by a lady, not a family. My heart is broken and I won't go into anymore of the family drama.
We had a gentleman come in to get an estimate on painting his old truck. Les was doing his estimate when I walked by and he was complaining that 5 hundred something was outrageous to paint a truck. I stopped and nicely said, "Sir, it is not 1950 anymore and this is not Earl Schibe. that is a great price to paint a pickup. He left his truck and it turned out great and he was a happy guy. I have got to get my people selling. We need business. Les commented to Abby later that I was "fiesty" today. GET THE CAR.
Tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of a weekend, a needed weekend. We will see how we do next week. Lord, please do not let me be gullible anymore. I need my tallons out!
Bon Nuit.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Drunk Dialing on Friday Nights
Mon Cheri, Good Morning on a cold Sunday. A quote:
Bumbleananda (1434-1535)
Lets start with an embarassing moment. As I have told you in the past, we repair many squad cars. I was in my office trying to make more room as the office serves as storage and was rear end facing the door and bent over putting away toners in a bottom file drawer. A voice behind me said, "this is a stick up" I flew up, realizing what I must have looked like, and saw a friend of mine, a police chief, standing there. We both had a laugh and a hug. He was bringing another squad car for an estimate. We talked for a while, (I heard crime stories you do not read in the paper and I cannot repeat here) what a world and what is it coming to?
I had corporate reps in all week. That is a good thing as much was accomplished and done and learned. I ended Friday with 10 pages of notes and much to do to get business up. Q1 goals and objectives with strategys need to be written.
My estimator Les had a day where we all felt that a full moon had her name on it. She had three nasty people in a row rip on her and walk out for no reason at all. One told her point blank he wanted to talk to a man. She got Brandy, the body man and he looked at the car and told him the same thing. The customer then ripped her again and walked out. After a few of those, they started to get her on the phone. It was laughable. I repeatedly ask her to tell them she would like to get the owner to help them. Come on Les, let me have them. Especially the one who wanted to deal with a man. What fun I could have.
She left early for a Dr. apt. and it was just Abby and I there for the last 45 minutes on Friday night. several people walked in for estimates and we were busy. The phone rang around 5 and I picked it up. I could tell the caller was in the bag. He was a customer and proceeded to tell me he knew all about me as he had me checked out and started describing our first date. I tried to tell him I did not date, but that did not stop him. (the power of alcohol) He told me when my divorce would be final. Now, bear in mind, I keep my life very private and my son does not even know that. So, drunk guy, you got my attention. No sir, I would not go out with you. As he kept going, I started to throw paper clips at Abby who was with a customer. I held up a sign "Help" and she knew what to do. She came running in and yelled in the phone, Lynn I need help with this customer. I got to go...sorry....and hung up.
Hopefully, he won't go there again, but that night I locked all my doors and put on the alarm as soon as I got home. The thought that some of these people out there in scary land could have my address was sobering, for me anyway.
We had a good week and several very happy customers. We are painting a car for cost only for a Pastor who said his church was giving it to a very needy person in their flock. He came in and was very gracious and came back with his wife to meet us. Well, maybe the whole world is not going down the tubes, Chief.
Speaking of....I saw a man in church who came in my shop and was so awful that another customer walked out, costing me business. We made eye contact and I wondered if he remembered who I was. Do you think, Mon Cheri, that humans are capable of looking in the mirror at times and seeing who they really are? Do you think he thought about his behavior as he distributed the Body of Christ to his fellow Catholics? I am no better, I guess, as I should have prayed for him instead of wondered those things. Lesson: the person you are showing your ass to on Wednesday, may see you in church the following Sunday.
God Bless the World my Beloved. Tomorrow is a new week. Just can't wait! xoxoxoxoLynn
Bumbleananda (1434-1535)
Lets start with an embarassing moment. As I have told you in the past, we repair many squad cars. I was in my office trying to make more room as the office serves as storage and was rear end facing the door and bent over putting away toners in a bottom file drawer. A voice behind me said, "this is a stick up" I flew up, realizing what I must have looked like, and saw a friend of mine, a police chief, standing there. We both had a laugh and a hug. He was bringing another squad car for an estimate. We talked for a while, (I heard crime stories you do not read in the paper and I cannot repeat here) what a world and what is it coming to?
I had corporate reps in all week. That is a good thing as much was accomplished and done and learned. I ended Friday with 10 pages of notes and much to do to get business up. Q1 goals and objectives with strategys need to be written.
My estimator Les had a day where we all felt that a full moon had her name on it. She had three nasty people in a row rip on her and walk out for no reason at all. One told her point blank he wanted to talk to a man. She got Brandy, the body man and he looked at the car and told him the same thing. The customer then ripped her again and walked out. After a few of those, they started to get her on the phone. It was laughable. I repeatedly ask her to tell them she would like to get the owner to help them. Come on Les, let me have them. Especially the one who wanted to deal with a man. What fun I could have.
She left early for a Dr. apt. and it was just Abby and I there for the last 45 minutes on Friday night. several people walked in for estimates and we were busy. The phone rang around 5 and I picked it up. I could tell the caller was in the bag. He was a customer and proceeded to tell me he knew all about me as he had me checked out and started describing our first date. I tried to tell him I did not date, but that did not stop him. (the power of alcohol) He told me when my divorce would be final. Now, bear in mind, I keep my life very private and my son does not even know that. So, drunk guy, you got my attention. No sir, I would not go out with you. As he kept going, I started to throw paper clips at Abby who was with a customer. I held up a sign "Help" and she knew what to do. She came running in and yelled in the phone, Lynn I need help with this customer. I got to go...sorry....and hung up.
Hopefully, he won't go there again, but that night I locked all my doors and put on the alarm as soon as I got home. The thought that some of these people out there in scary land could have my address was sobering, for me anyway.
We had a good week and several very happy customers. We are painting a car for cost only for a Pastor who said his church was giving it to a very needy person in their flock. He came in and was very gracious and came back with his wife to meet us. Well, maybe the whole world is not going down the tubes, Chief.
Speaking of....I saw a man in church who came in my shop and was so awful that another customer walked out, costing me business. We made eye contact and I wondered if he remembered who I was. Do you think, Mon Cheri, that humans are capable of looking in the mirror at times and seeing who they really are? Do you think he thought about his behavior as he distributed the Body of Christ to his fellow Catholics? I am no better, I guess, as I should have prayed for him instead of wondered those things. Lesson: the person you are showing your ass to on Wednesday, may see you in church the following Sunday.
God Bless the World my Beloved. Tomorrow is a new week. Just can't wait! xoxoxoxoLynn
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Looking at it from the inside out
Dearest Mon Cheri and Gentle Reader, glorious and blessed Saturday morning. I speak to you from my bed and am happy to still be occupying it.
Yestday, I woke at 3:00am and could not sleep thinking about the shop and what is going on in the back. Business owners, you know exactly what I am talking about. I have never done this before, I got up, washed my face, etc., no shower put on crummy clothes and opened the shop at 6:00AM. I worked on cars (with tools) all day. I came home bone weary, filthy and with a better idea of my business. The guys always work harder with me in the back, that goes without saying. It was snowing, so I knew it would be slow up front. I learned how hard the work is physically, which I learn every time I am out there. I also saw where the holes are and education and training I have to give to who. I decided my two front people should each take a day and work in the shop. They thought it would be a good idea. I also think I will have the shop manager spend a day as an estimator and deal with the customers and phones. The more honest communication I can promote, the better I believe we will run.
Also, I am so sad to report, Mon Cheri, there is great strife between Hugh, my son and I. Family business owners, I know you know what I mean! It is more destructive than the building burning down. It causes me so much pain, I cry at my desk. I would rather have 100 customers cuss me out at once than have one moment of disagreement with my son. This business is for him and nothing sends me to emotional hell faster than just one look of anger from him let alone a shouting match. 2011 will be a make it or break it year. That is all I will ever say about the family drama. It is private and out of respect for Hugh, I will keep it that way.
May 2011 be a blessed year for all, may pain and suffering world wide lessen, may God's will bring all of the human race closer to Him and to each other. Happy New Year!!!
I cannot wait to see what kind of surprises the Body Shop will bring to us this next year. Love, Lynn Moore
Yestday, I woke at 3:00am and could not sleep thinking about the shop and what is going on in the back. Business owners, you know exactly what I am talking about. I have never done this before, I got up, washed my face, etc., no shower put on crummy clothes and opened the shop at 6:00AM. I worked on cars (with tools) all day. I came home bone weary, filthy and with a better idea of my business. The guys always work harder with me in the back, that goes without saying. It was snowing, so I knew it would be slow up front. I learned how hard the work is physically, which I learn every time I am out there. I also saw where the holes are and education and training I have to give to who. I decided my two front people should each take a day and work in the shop. They thought it would be a good idea. I also think I will have the shop manager spend a day as an estimator and deal with the customers and phones. The more honest communication I can promote, the better I believe we will run.
Also, I am so sad to report, Mon Cheri, there is great strife between Hugh, my son and I. Family business owners, I know you know what I mean! It is more destructive than the building burning down. It causes me so much pain, I cry at my desk. I would rather have 100 customers cuss me out at once than have one moment of disagreement with my son. This business is for him and nothing sends me to emotional hell faster than just one look of anger from him let alone a shouting match. 2011 will be a make it or break it year. That is all I will ever say about the family drama. It is private and out of respect for Hugh, I will keep it that way.
May 2011 be a blessed year for all, may pain and suffering world wide lessen, may God's will bring all of the human race closer to Him and to each other. Happy New Year!!!
I cannot wait to see what kind of surprises the Body Shop will bring to us this next year. Love, Lynn Moore
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