Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Noah, get that boat finished! It is raining in Ohio!

Kind and loving Lady, Mon Cheri and Beloved. We had a day so busy yesterday, I, yes I, did a few estimates. We have cars everywhere which is a good thing as it is supposed to rain the rest of the week. Build a boat kind of rain. The shop is humming and I have thrown out an incentive to hit a number. They will be working hard this week. Yes, gentlemen, we still have bills to pay.

During our mad rush yesterday, a lovely elderly lady brought in an old work order which said on it that the customer refused to strip off the old peeling paint and therefor there was no warranty on the paint. It was a year out of the warranty if it had been ligit, but she stood at the desk and got nasty with Abby as the paint is peeling, again. We showed her that her husband declined to fix the problem and to just paint over it and he signed so. Saint Abby offered to fix it correctly this time, but the woman yelled at her, "are you going to do it for FREE?" Abby explained why, nicely, not(I am thinking Hell NO). She then announced she was heading for an attorney and wanted copies of all we had. Abby started to the copy machine and I told the lady to have a nice day. She said what about my copies, I said, "I am sure you have them at home, now have a nice day." Out she went. Like I was going to make copies for her! PEOPLE, Learn, you get so much further ahead by being nice!!!!

We still Have Jeffrie's car. It now has a clear coat over the entire multi color exterior and decals. We are still wondering how much more he can find to do to it. He calls for Abby 10 times a day and I believe is just lonely. Hopefully, he finds a less expensive way to meet his people needs.

My darling Abby retained a large square metal rust box on wheels that used to be an armored car. We have 30 body hours in it to de-rust it and then they want it painted. It is currently not distinguishable as a vehicle of any kind, but the person who brought it in was wearing a weapon, a big weapon and uniform so they must consider it an armored car. Thus, they were armed. So, that will be fun to watch. Perhaps we may find a bill or two tucked in the cracks. We did find a shell casing, 38, under the seat of a car. Had to be a drive by experience.

My Body Guy, Brandy left early yesterday as it was his, just remembered, wedding anniversary. This morning, I asked him if he had a good evening? He said he left here and went and bought all the flowers he could find and filled his trunk. He then went home and asked his wife if she would get the stuff he left in his trunk. awwwwww.... That is what you get on your second wedding anniversary!

All my love my beloved, God Bless, Lynn

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