Thursday, May 5, 2011

The infamous Dave Durango!!!

Beloved, yesterday I was at an attorney's office regarding our dear 73 Vega issue and called the office to ask Abby a question....I was told Abby was on the other line trying to find a Compressor!!!!! INSTANT PANIC. I told her to call me if the office blew up, that meant the compressor too. As I made a U-turn in the middle of a busy street, risking my very life, believing we were on CODE RED, I envisioned sending everyone home, calling 40 customers and telling them their cars would be late and desperately wanting a bottle of liquid medication.

When I got to the shop, I ran up to my shop manager, Mitch, screaming/crying "What happened?!" He seemed to me to be very calm under the circumstances and, low and behold, I am thinking why were the DAs running????? He proceeded to tell me that one of our employees had to leave because his wife wrecked the car.........WHAT...WHAT...WHAT..No man, what happened to the compressor?? Oh, it just went down for a minute and came back up. It seems ok now. (For that I made an illegal u turn???) OK, here is where Dave Durango comes in. Dave is the guy we call when the compressor needs attention. Dave, I think, is getting used to our panic calls.

Yesterday at around 4, Dave Durango saunters in. "WElllllll, lets talk.....Your main compressor is ok, but.....lets talk about repairing the back up one." OK, Dave, got any idea what we are talking, money wise?? "Sure.....depends on what your are your want me to rebuild it, get a new part or get a used part or if you want you can have a re-built part......Huh? "Yea, I remember, it went BOOM, and I thought, "That ain't good", then it went BANG, "yep, this ain't good" It is a cast iron piston and has to be pulled apart"........Huh? "Yep, you are talking around $2200. or $4500." HUH!!!

Yes, good old Dave Durango just sat and smiled. OK, I am a female, but spout from a family of engineers. OK, Dave, which would you do if it was your shop? (Visual..... Durango has Fabio hair and a wise grin.) Well, if it was my shop....then suddenly, we are talking about Marg Schott. Now I am confused???? I can usually follow a conversation, but how did Schott get into this??? Schott was a legendary lady, with a capitol B, known for her ability to create misery in the eyes of anyone who looked at her. Ok, Mr. Durango, now I am feeling like I do not know what you are trying to tell me...?????

So it goes, the colorful Mr. Durango is getting a few estimates to me for the back up compressor so the panic calls stop. The fear of having the main one go down, with no backup, is a scenario no body shop wants to face. Everything in the shop runs on air pressure.

Day goes I am saying it too, "Aw, this ain't good".

The sun shines today, this is a good sign. Phone rings, "how much is a free written estimate?" I am serious! I am dying to say, $10.00.....well, you asked Sir!!

I walked into another body shop yesterday and now I want all new furniture in the lobby. Ok, what will it be? New furniture or a compressor? Let the sun shine.........let the sun shine in.....Ohhhh sun shine in.......Love, Lynn Moore

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny....Furniture shopping would be way more fun! Trip to IKEA?
