Saturday, August 22, 2009

A quiet Saturday at the shop

It is after 2:00 on a Saturday at the shop. We have done several estimates in the morning and the afternoon is quiet. I have done all my financials and am passing time until 3:00 when I can lock up, go to the bank and call it a day. I plan to take a nap when I get home. I now have 4 employees who owe me money. I do not want to be a bank. I take it out of their pay, gradually. Encourage them to BE HERE AND CLOCK IN AND MAKE MONEY!" so they do not need to borrow money. I need a full time bank clerk to keep this all straight. I never let them off the hook. I would like to, but just cannot do that.

We had a good week. Lots of happy people. A couple of evil ones. I was prepared for the one evil guy and we had a staring contest. Weirdo. I asked him what he wanted after my son told him we would fix the two small problems he found and why he was continuing to complain so much. He did the stare at me for a full minute before he answered. I could see the writing on his pea brain inside his scull....."do I mess with this Bi..h or not?" I, head held high, stared right back, not flinching a muscle. He backed down and said he was going inside to take care of the crap...."Excuse me!" I said, "I mean pay the bill" was his response. I said Thank you and went back to what I was doing.

Another week, and now I am ready for my one day off. It seemed like a long week, but thankfully it was a busy and productive one. My body guy who came in today, cannot get his car started. that means I have to give them a ride home. That means going downtown. God has been good to me and I believe through faith in His expecting the same from me. So, downtown we go. May God Bless all who read my little stories. Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Just checked out the blog Mom...I really don't know what to say. Not only have I never seen a blog before I never expected the first one to be my Mothers. Love you, Leann
