Sunday, July 22, 2012


Good Sunday Morning Most Beloved Gentle Readers,

I am going to share an experience of a more personal nature as no one is looking right now.  This is why I have no personal life, work is safer.

My man and I had decided to go fishing.  He "said" he was an avid fisher!  I am too.  We got to the lake and he was looking for a spot to fish from shore.  Oh no way! said I, we need a boat!  Alright, he said.  All that was left to rent were canoes.  No Problem said I.  OK said he.  We got in, the guy gave us life jackets, I said I was a fish and did not need mine.....ok........ said he slowly.  My first concern was when I saw from the back that he was not holding the paddle right, nor paddling correctly.  Must be out of practice I thought. 

We fished for a while, then decided to paddle to another part of the we did and dropped anchor. 

As he was standing up, STANDING UP!!!  NO.......we were going over so fast I could not scream, "SIT DOWN".  I just grabbed my sunglasses as we hit the water.  I was holding the tackle box near the canoe full of water and came up laughing and enjoying being wet.   He came up gasping for air, tangled up in the anchor rope and M...A...D....  Well,. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE COULD NOT SWIM!!  AND HOW WAS I SUPPOSED  to know he had never been in a canoe before and did not know not to  NOT EVER STAND UP IN A CANOE.  I would have told him.....!!!  I held him up till he could breath, held on to the canoe and tackle box.  I swam for the things floating away while he held onto the hardly floating boat.  So with a very angry Cop in the water with me, (again, one would think he could swim)  a ruined cop radio, and completely done for cop phone, I just waved my hands for help. 

A nice man in a fishing boat helped me get him in his boat and we drug the canoe to a boat slip.  Now adreneline took me over and all I could think of was if we did not get back into the boat and fish more, we never would again.

I jumped out of the canoe and started to dump the water out and appairently did not notice him sitting in the canoe.  my bad.  I dumped him into the water as well while he was yelling wait, wait, WAIT.  As he was sitting up to his waist in the water, again, I told him, "Honey, get out of the water!". 

He said people on the dock were watching agast and he just hung his head and put his hands up in the air.  I managed to throw everthing in the canoe again and did notice the phone and radio were dead.  Being the nice man he was, he sat in the canoe again, all wet and I paddled out to the danger zone again while he had a strong rum and coke to settle his nerves.  As all managed to settle down, we did catch a couple of fish.  I had a big one who broke the line.  Of course, the big one got away. 

I still hear about the sunglass and really nice fishing pole and reel he lost...I am told firmly that there will never be a canoe in our future no matter what....but we will see.

May you catch fish, always have sun and stay dry all your days.  "A BAD DAY FISHING IS BETTER THAN A GOOD DAY AT WORK"....??????  you decide. 

Bon jour mon ami.   shangri la

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