Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So, Officer, what do they pay you for??

Mon Cheri, Good Morning. Nothing like opening up your business and finding the outside door lock destroyed. At least they did not get in, but they got to two cars in the parking lot. The front door is by the street, a busy street, well lit and someone still stood there and tried to break in. The tire a few days ago, now this. Each time, the police look at me like I am crazy to think they care. He told me that if they want in there is nothing anyone can do, including them. Basically, he told me he has worse problems to deal with. Why do I pay such high taxes to have a business here if not for police protection??? Oh well, LYNN let reality sink in. I have the locksmith coming this afternoon to fix the lock.

I am struggling today. There is so much and I have hardened a lot, but not enough. I really want to run away today. FOR GOOD. Later babe. me

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Bon Jour Mon Cheri! It has been quite a time here. We had our two year anniversary of the business, so we had an anniversary sale. We did 1/2 off three paint services. We are slammed with cars! Wonderful. And we have some colorful characters. those of you who have read our other half price sales know that they bring in a strange lot. Mr. Maddening, call 2 times a week angry that three months ago we painted his car the wrong color. He has been asked frequently to bring it in and won't. I pulled the computer history and the paint mix was 100% correct for the chip he picked out and signed on. I explained that to him and he yelled at me that, "It was not what he wanted". I told him I would repaint his car for cost, but could not do it for free as he got the color he chose. He said he was going to the for it Maddening. I did apologize for not understanding what he chose was not what he really wanted.

Our painter quit, gave me one second notice, shop and lot full of cars! Where is the booze when you need it. So, Hugh is in the booth painting. He is a better painter than the one who quit. My assistant manager in the back is now running the shop and I hired another guy to sand and mask. Next week we should be cranking them out.

OH, Yesterday, between noon and 2:00 in the afternoon, someone propped up a car in our lot and stole a tire and wheel and lug nuts. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! This is getting scary! I called the police three times to get them out here, took an hour, my customer wanted to leave. I cannot make a police report on someone else property. the Owner has to be here. People all over and no one saw a thing. I am considering a banner on the side of my building stating God's Commandment about stealing.

I had a Maaco rep here this week. His name is Jeremiah (contrary to what we have been told in our youth, he was not a bullfrog) He helped out up front, trained my estimators and I spent one whole day in the shop. I was masking cars with Gilbert. I kept asking shop manager if I could sand and he said, keep masking. Gilbert was fun to work with but I wanted my hands on tools. Then it came back to me. The last time I used a heat gun to take off decals, I laid the Heat Gun down and got busy and it burned a hole in the fiberglass vehicle. Big Bear had to do some body work magic to fix it. I thought that was why they were keeping me with tape in my hand. No problem. I worked all day and was stiff and dirty.

We have been very busy and if only we can stay this busy all the time I would sleep every night.

We had two gentle men arrive, jeans around their thighs, complaining that we did not do the work they specifically declined 6 months ago when we fixed their cars. What do people think. The are now selling the car and want it done, free. We keep very good records. The would not give up. After they cussed at each other??? in the parking lot, they made their way into the shop and tried to have a go at me. I kicked them out and told them subject is closed.

I am glad I have you to talk to Mon Cheri. God Bless, Lynn Moore

Sunday, October 3, 2010

remember me!?

Mon Cheri! Bon jour! My beloved, I have been remiss in my log. Over the last few months, I have become divorced. That took much of my time and my emotions were all over the board. I did win the law suit I talked about in my last post. Yea, but I had to pay my attorney, so it is a loss/win. They refused to negotiate a free paint job to drop the suit before we went into court, so I guess they gambled and loss. We have become a female shop. Since Greg, my estimator with the southern accent left, I have not found a suitable male estimator. I have a highly qualified female and my daughter in law, Abby, who are both highly qualified, I-Car certified, a big deal in the auto biz. It is unbalanced, I know, but when customers begin to work with them, they are always impressed. We do get comments.....I guess it is not a man's world anymore.....Sure you know what you are doing little honey....I had a man hang up on me a while back because I could not produce a man for him to talk to. There is a lot less misbehavin going on with out a guy up front. someone pointed out to me men are more apt to be gentlemen and watch their language around women.
I will take that.

We have had three good weeks in a row. We really need them. I am praying for a mild winter and business. All small business this year are praying the same. I am going to let someone go week after next. And, Yes, I have good reason. Not a fun thing to do, but he crossed the line and does not know I know. Hugh, my son and shop manager will let me know if I need to replace him.

We have had some good laughs lately, but our clientel is growing, we are doing more corporate biz and no one has tried to run me over lately. Saying of the week: One of my body guys has had a lot of family problems lately and told me he felt like he was standing in front of a shit fan.

I went to get a FEW blond highlights put in my auburn hair and left a full fledged Marylin Monroe!!!! Why me. Everyone loves it, but it was NOT what I planned or expected. Inside, I am not blond, but outside I sure am now! Since I am stuck for a while, I will make the best of it. Look out world! My guys in the shop all told me they loved it, whistled and told me it was working for me. When I was in my office, they told my son they believe I did it because I was divorced. We all laughed about that one. Ce la vie. love precious readers, Lynn Moore