Friday, July 20, 2012


Gilbert (1983 - )   (his insight on his vehicle)

Good Morning gentle readers, fans of Body Shop Humor,  I have slept in a little and have decided to unload my psychie before I go to work.  (I am best in the AM)

Yesterday, I had brought a bottle of old fashioned soda to work, note the word "Old Fashioned".  Sounded good to me in the heat.  Behold! the Old Fashioned Soda had an old fashened bottle cap on it.  I walked into the office and asked my under 30, but very mature employee if he had a Church Key.....My reply was a bewildered look and the answer, "I don't go to church".  If you are close to my age, you will understand that one.

We have had some very good weeks.  There seems to be very little drama going on anywhere and the cars are getting done, customers happy and wow, it only took 4 years to get here. 

I have an employee taking a couple days off to go to a family reunion and told me they plan to come back married.  I am still thinking about that one.......Speaking of, it is hot in the back, not pleasant to work so hard, but are doing great and actually smiling.  We frequently have dueling radios going on, laughter and an occasional temper tantrum from a young man who has no clue about work. 

Work:  dude, I am renting your behavior, so do as you are told in something other than slow motion.  If it was fun why would I pay you.  Then another temper tantrum in front of the boss and fellow employees - not cool, kiddo.  Now he wants a raise.  What he is going to get is a review.  I will outline on paper what working in the real world means.  What he needs to change if he ever wants to support his family.  He is nice, otherwise he would be gone.  He seems smart but worldly stupid.  Pampered comes to mind.  He will get one last try of advice or won't make it. 

FYI, to all.....when you are told how to or what to do at work, it means every time you do that task, not just the one time.  When you are told every time to do something or you do not do it, you will be considered STUPID.

We had a customer blow up over a very tiny, stupid issue in the parking lot and threaten one of my employees and actually almost hit him.  They, hubby and wife were told to leave or I would call the police and that I would do nothing for anyone who acts like that.  The wife came in the next morning and apologized.   Again, what is wrong with people who think they have the right to abuse another human being for any reason.  I think I see more of it in this city than anywhere else in the country.  I am working on an analysis of society in my head, reading some books on cavemen to try to understand how to cope with people here.  Perhaps, I will share my findings someday.

A regular customer, a very nice young man, who has little boo boos, yet chooses to keep his car pristine, came in for a few scratches.  He and I have talked often and he knows I am from Indy.  We are both Colt fans,  (no comments please on that)  He gave,  GAVE me two of his season tickets to a game in Sept and refused to let me pay him for them.  I was speechless.  All my faith in humanity flooding back into my body at once.  Wow.  Thank you, not just for the tickets my friend, but for what the gesture did for me. 

I have settled down with a nice man after several years and suddenly very nice handsome men are chatting me up everywhere.   I discussed this with one of my employees and he agreed with this common situation.  He said, "whenever I have a girlfriend, I am beating them off with a stick, if I do not have a girl friend, I cannot BUY one."  honk if you agree.

Speaking of, this has been the week of  LOVELY Ladies with beautiful European accents coming in and hitting on, I mean hitting on my men estimators.  Inviting them over for a swim, asking for their phone numbers.......Times have changed.....and I guess European women are bolder. 

I used to have all gals up front now I have two Men.  Nothing has been by design, but one can sure watch the difference.  Here comes another analysis and book.

Time to head to the office and put out fires.  God Bless all!    Bon Jour, Shangri La

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