Thursday, July 26, 2012

I hear the train a''s rolling round the bend......

Gentle Body Shop readers,

I learned and wish to share what the judicial system does for us small, honest business folks.  Monday I sat in court for four hours waiting for the case of the state vs. Taj Dumbey to be heard.  Dumbey was charged with writing a bad check, for $196.54, three years ago, to me.  I was new, and not the seasoned hard broad I am now.  It was against our policy to take any personal checks, but my daughter-in-law, Abby, had a weak moment.  Her weak moment resulted in hours of time, my time, to right a wrong. 

I went to the police department with all the documentation of the crime.  They gave me extensive amount of forms to fill out, the task of writing and sending a certified letter.  At that point, it was limbo.  Well, now what guys???  go get him!   Not. 

I called and called, I went to his bank three times, all to no avail.  I for some reason kept the paperwork in my desk drawer probably to insure no one ever has a moment of kindness again. 

Three years later, Drake, my estimator, came to me and said Hamington County Court House is on the phone for you.  k...........   Yes, I remember and YES, he still owes me the money.  ok, bye.

A week later an kindly gentleman walked into my office with a subpoena and to be funny, waved a pair of handcuffs at me.  Ok, there was a court date for the State vs. Taj Dumbey and I was to appear as a witness againse said criminal.  Well, this should be interesting.  I pulled the three year old paperwork out of my bottom desk drawer and put the date on my calendar. 

Now, I am thinking good old Taj is counting on my not showing after three years and how right I was.  That must happen often as the DA was just thrilled to see me.  Checked with me on the amount of the check, the cost of the Certified Letter and let's throw in the bank charge for good measure.  Total:  $235.00. 

I sat through 4 hours of criminal cases of all kinds waiting for my moment to tell Mr. Dumbey how he needed to change his ways!  I sat there for justice, not the money.  During this time, I saw a lot of the lowest of humanity.  By the way, DO NOT fall asleep in a hospital room, you may wake up and find a foul mouthed old man going through your things.  He got 4 months in jail, three for trespassing and one for his foul mouth.

As it got close to lunch time, Mr. Dumbey's state appointed attorney finally showed up.  Mr. Dumbey's loving girlfriend approached me and told me they did not have enough money to pay the full amount and was it ok if I just took the $200 and they would call later with a credit card for they other $35.00?    WHAT!  hells NO!!!  Like, after this, I am going to believe that will happen?? 

Next thing I know, the state appointed attorney wants to talk to me.....who is Drake?.....He work for me, Why?????  (Shangri La is getting crabby.)  My client called and paid the $35 over the phone and I have the rest of the money.  Lady, what do you want me to do? 

Well, no I do not know where the DA went, How would I know and why are you asking me where she is??????  (really getting crabby).  Knowing what was coming, I went into the hall, called Drake, confirmed the payment.  Ok, now can .....we just have the trial and get this over soon. 

DA is now wanting me in the hall.  Who is Drake?  (not again)  I told her he took the payment.  She had the two hundred cash in her hand and said they are going to dismiss the charges and here is my money.  Well, how am I supposed to feel?  I told her I did not sit here all day for the money, I wanted to see justice served.  Everyone who lives an honest life wants to see that those who don't, pay for it in some way.  She said she understood, but that is the way it is.  I could leave now. 

It was anti-climatic and  a let down.  I did everything right and did get my money back, but where was the smack on the hand to let him know not to do that again?  He was looking like he felt sorry for himself because he had to pay me.  Oh, poor boy.  I left not sure how I felt about the justice system once again.  I got my money, but the bad guy got nothing to make him conside his behavior next time. 

NEVER, take a personal check from anyone EVER.  Too much time and work. 

I hope anyone who may read this NEVER has a weak moment of trust.  Learn from this experience.  It is sad, it is a penality to be paid by nice, honest people so we don't get taken by the crooks of the world.

With that, I will say Bon Nuite Mon Cheri's.  Amore, Shangri La

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Good Sunday Morning Most Beloved Gentle Readers,

I am going to share an experience of a more personal nature as no one is looking right now.  This is why I have no personal life, work is safer.

My man and I had decided to go fishing.  He "said" he was an avid fisher!  I am too.  We got to the lake and he was looking for a spot to fish from shore.  Oh no way! said I, we need a boat!  Alright, he said.  All that was left to rent were canoes.  No Problem said I.  OK said he.  We got in, the guy gave us life jackets, I said I was a fish and did not need mine.....ok........ said he slowly.  My first concern was when I saw from the back that he was not holding the paddle right, nor paddling correctly.  Must be out of practice I thought. 

We fished for a while, then decided to paddle to another part of the we did and dropped anchor. 

As he was standing up, STANDING UP!!!  NO.......we were going over so fast I could not scream, "SIT DOWN".  I just grabbed my sunglasses as we hit the water.  I was holding the tackle box near the canoe full of water and came up laughing and enjoying being wet.   He came up gasping for air, tangled up in the anchor rope and M...A...D....  Well,. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE COULD NOT SWIM!!  AND HOW WAS I SUPPOSED  to know he had never been in a canoe before and did not know not to  NOT EVER STAND UP IN A CANOE.  I would have told him.....!!!  I held him up till he could breath, held on to the canoe and tackle box.  I swam for the things floating away while he held onto the hardly floating boat.  So with a very angry Cop in the water with me, (again, one would think he could swim)  a ruined cop radio, and completely done for cop phone, I just waved my hands for help. 

A nice man in a fishing boat helped me get him in his boat and we drug the canoe to a boat slip.  Now adreneline took me over and all I could think of was if we did not get back into the boat and fish more, we never would again.

I jumped out of the canoe and started to dump the water out and appairently did not notice him sitting in the canoe.  my bad.  I dumped him into the water as well while he was yelling wait, wait, WAIT.  As he was sitting up to his waist in the water, again, I told him, "Honey, get out of the water!". 

He said people on the dock were watching agast and he just hung his head and put his hands up in the air.  I managed to throw everthing in the canoe again and did notice the phone and radio were dead.  Being the nice man he was, he sat in the canoe again, all wet and I paddled out to the danger zone again while he had a strong rum and coke to settle his nerves.  As all managed to settle down, we did catch a couple of fish.  I had a big one who broke the line.  Of course, the big one got away. 

I still hear about the sunglass and really nice fishing pole and reel he lost...I am told firmly that there will never be a canoe in our future no matter what....but we will see.

May you catch fish, always have sun and stay dry all your days.  "A BAD DAY FISHING IS BETTER THAN A GOOD DAY AT WORK"....??????  you decide. 

Bon jour mon ami.   shangri la

Friday, July 20, 2012


Gilbert (1983 - )   (his insight on his vehicle)

Good Morning gentle readers, fans of Body Shop Humor,  I have slept in a little and have decided to unload my psychie before I go to work.  (I am best in the AM)

Yesterday, I had brought a bottle of old fashioned soda to work, note the word "Old Fashioned".  Sounded good to me in the heat.  Behold! the Old Fashioned Soda had an old fashened bottle cap on it.  I walked into the office and asked my under 30, but very mature employee if he had a Church Key.....My reply was a bewildered look and the answer, "I don't go to church".  If you are close to my age, you will understand that one.

We have had some very good weeks.  There seems to be very little drama going on anywhere and the cars are getting done, customers happy and wow, it only took 4 years to get here. 

I have an employee taking a couple days off to go to a family reunion and told me they plan to come back married.  I am still thinking about that one.......Speaking of, it is hot in the back, not pleasant to work so hard, but are doing great and actually smiling.  We frequently have dueling radios going on, laughter and an occasional temper tantrum from a young man who has no clue about work. 

Work:  dude, I am renting your behavior, so do as you are told in something other than slow motion.  If it was fun why would I pay you.  Then another temper tantrum in front of the boss and fellow employees - not cool, kiddo.  Now he wants a raise.  What he is going to get is a review.  I will outline on paper what working in the real world means.  What he needs to change if he ever wants to support his family.  He is nice, otherwise he would be gone.  He seems smart but worldly stupid.  Pampered comes to mind.  He will get one last try of advice or won't make it. 

FYI, to all.....when you are told how to or what to do at work, it means every time you do that task, not just the one time.  When you are told every time to do something or you do not do it, you will be considered STUPID.

We had a customer blow up over a very tiny, stupid issue in the parking lot and threaten one of my employees and actually almost hit him.  They, hubby and wife were told to leave or I would call the police and that I would do nothing for anyone who acts like that.  The wife came in the next morning and apologized.   Again, what is wrong with people who think they have the right to abuse another human being for any reason.  I think I see more of it in this city than anywhere else in the country.  I am working on an analysis of society in my head, reading some books on cavemen to try to understand how to cope with people here.  Perhaps, I will share my findings someday.

A regular customer, a very nice young man, who has little boo boos, yet chooses to keep his car pristine, came in for a few scratches.  He and I have talked often and he knows I am from Indy.  We are both Colt fans,  (no comments please on that)  He gave,  GAVE me two of his season tickets to a game in Sept and refused to let me pay him for them.  I was speechless.  All my faith in humanity flooding back into my body at once.  Wow.  Thank you, not just for the tickets my friend, but for what the gesture did for me. 

I have settled down with a nice man after several years and suddenly very nice handsome men are chatting me up everywhere.   I discussed this with one of my employees and he agreed with this common situation.  He said, "whenever I have a girlfriend, I am beating them off with a stick, if I do not have a girl friend, I cannot BUY one."  honk if you agree.

Speaking of, this has been the week of  LOVELY Ladies with beautiful European accents coming in and hitting on, I mean hitting on my men estimators.  Inviting them over for a swim, asking for their phone numbers.......Times have changed.....and I guess European women are bolder. 

I used to have all gals up front now I have two Men.  Nothing has been by design, but one can sure watch the difference.  Here comes another analysis and book.

Time to head to the office and put out fires.  God Bless all!    Bon Jour, Shangri La