Saturday, June 18, 2011


Bon Jour Mon Cheri, It is early on Saturday and I have some time before a gentleman arrives to fix a broken water pipe in my house. Then it is rush to the shop to work. I have my beloved quiet time on Saturday morning and so want to tell you about the week.

First, this was my first week of being the FULL BLOWN shop manager. Small got to do it yourself! My first week at the production helm as well as all the others was a scramble, but this was the second most productive week we have had financially. Unless you pay someone commission only, they do not care about your business or money. It is my money and I care as it is life or closure!

I could not do it without my consultant, the Italian. God, I love that man. I did not need to be taught how to be a strong leader, I had that. I had to be taught how to handle my family and the knowledge of running a body shop. Logic dictates, I, it will get better each week. My guys are still talking about Anthony Andrew Spumoni and what he taught them. They like it that he was a marine, they like it that he pulls no punches and they know when and if he compliments them, it is for real. They are happy that what he accomplished has helped me. They are much happier when they see I am doing well than when they see me worry. I would guess that is universal in business. We got all the body work out. My two body guys did it and did it right and loaded the paint line till my painter was telling me he hated me and that he thought I was trying to kill him. I told him unless he wanted to come up with 10g to make payroll next week, he needed to keep painting. I have a second painter and he did jump in on two to give him a break.I told my son, the painter, when he owns the place and it is his money, he will push just as hard as I am now. I pray he believes me.

Now the week started with fun. I accuse the two girls up front of selecting gentlemen for me to give a ride home specifically to make me crazy. The rule is, I will give anyone a ride home if they leave their car. So, they got a car from a gentleman who was about 75, well dressed and soft spoken. Sure, lets go. On the way to his house, he explained to me he was a spokesperson for the local nudist colony, (I did not know ther was a "local" nudist colony. Thought that went out with Free Love) and felt I should look into it. He told me that they have a pool, vollyball, many of other sports and everyone is encouraged to bring their families. My visual of a 75 year old man's junk flopping around during a game of vollyball was enough to send me screaming from the car at the next light. This one beat the Elvis inpersonator the week before. I sped back to the shop and just stood looking at the girl's grins. They swear they have no idea......

The next morning started with a fire. At around 9, after the girls said they had been smelling something for a while, smoke started to billow out of an electrical socket in the office. I, repeat, I ran to the back, shut off the circuits, screamed "FIRE" and two of my men came running up front with me fire things. I got back up front and told Abby to call 911, the phones do not work...I turned off the circuits. Bear in mind all have cell phones, but I ran into my office and grabbed my cell and called 911. I then called the landlord for an electrician asap and then went out front to flag down the 4 fire trucks that arrived for my one socket. The question I asked is what would you two have done if I was not here?????

My body man, Brandy came up to me later and told me the electrician went to him and said Man, how do you work for such a fox. Brandy told him that Ms. Moore was his employer, that's how, and laughed all way across the shop. He gets a kick out of it.

In the shop, Brady had his DA turned up to run fast and it was loud. Harry, a body man came up to him and yelled...MAN TURN THAT THING DOWN. Brady, in levity, said I DO NOT GO TO YOUR AREA AND TELL YOU HOW TO WORK, SHUT THE F UP!. BRANDY, THE OTHER BODY MAN JUMPED UP AT THAT MOMENT AND YELLED "CHECK PLEASE". The entire shop erupted in laughter and all became a productive team again. (too bad Anthony Andrew Spumoni was not there for that)

Friday, I was pushing hard and everyone was working at high gear. (which they should do everyday) My shop has not been at high gear for a while now and we are learning some lessons. We had two cars done, yea, $$$, and Hugh was pulling one out of the booth and another guy was pulling one in the front garage door and crash, they ran into each other. There was a discussion starting over who's fault, what happened, everyone had to see....I yelled, which I do not do often, It is done, let it go, move the cars back to the body area and get back to work. I MEAN IT---N-O-W! Cars went back to body stalls and they went back to work. We will talk about that Monday. We are now working harder and faster which is why that happened. I would rather have an accident once in a while than have production happening at slow mo. But, we will talk about safety, safety, safety on Monday. I did hear one of the drivers needed a can of spray paint and was afraid to come up and ask me for the key, so Brady did it for him.

So, I am going in to do numbers today and see how we ended up. I gave the guys each $20. for getting the cars done one the list. (the two that crashed were done) Thus went my first week, we can only get better. Now we need more cars and the push up front will begin.....time to sell auto repair.

The girls are good, just need to push harder. We had a young man with severe OCD bring his car in. It took him over three hours to drop his car. He kept apologizing, for example, he had to have Abby hand his key back and look at it and give it back to her over and over again until he was comfortable leaving it. We have to accept the trials given to us by God and be thankful for the ones we have not been given everyday.

"Smile with Style"
Danny R. (1952 - )

Je tem mon Cheri. Lynn Moore

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