Sunday, January 16, 2011

Drunk Dialing on Friday Nights

Mon Cheri, Good Morning on a cold Sunday. A quote:


Bumbleananda (1434-1535)

Lets start with an embarassing moment. As I have told you in the past, we repair many squad cars. I was in my office trying to make more room as the office serves as storage and was rear end facing the door and bent over putting away toners in a bottom file drawer. A voice behind me said, "this is a stick up" I flew up, realizing what I must have looked like, and saw a friend of mine, a police chief, standing there. We both had a laugh and a hug. He was bringing another squad car for an estimate. We talked for a while, (I heard crime stories you do not read in the paper and I cannot repeat here) what a world and what is it coming to?

I had corporate reps in all week. That is a good thing as much was accomplished and done and learned. I ended Friday with 10 pages of notes and much to do to get business up. Q1 goals and objectives with strategys need to be written.

My estimator Les had a day where we all felt that a full moon had her name on it. She had three nasty people in a row rip on her and walk out for no reason at all. One told her point blank he wanted to talk to a man. She got Brandy, the body man and he looked at the car and told him the same thing. The customer then ripped her again and walked out. After a few of those, they started to get her on the phone. It was laughable. I repeatedly ask her to tell them she would like to get the owner to help them. Come on Les, let me have them. Especially the one who wanted to deal with a man. What fun I could have.

She left early for a Dr. apt. and it was just Abby and I there for the last 45 minutes on Friday night. several people walked in for estimates and we were busy. The phone rang around 5 and I picked it up. I could tell the caller was in the bag. He was a customer and proceeded to tell me he knew all about me as he had me checked out and started describing our first date. I tried to tell him I did not date, but that did not stop him. (the power of alcohol) He told me when my divorce would be final. Now, bear in mind, I keep my life very private and my son does not even know that. So, drunk guy, you got my attention. No sir, I would not go out with you. As he kept going, I started to throw paper clips at Abby who was with a customer. I held up a sign "Help" and she knew what to do. She came running in and yelled in the phone, Lynn I need help with this customer. I got to go...sorry....and hung up.

Hopefully, he won't go there again, but that night I locked all my doors and put on the alarm as soon as I got home. The thought that some of these people out there in scary land could have my address was sobering, for me anyway.

We had a good week and several very happy customers. We are painting a car for cost only for a Pastor who said his church was giving it to a very needy person in their flock. He came in and was very gracious and came back with his wife to meet us. Well, maybe the whole world is not going down the tubes, Chief.

Speaking of....I saw a man in church who came in my shop and was so awful that another customer walked out, costing me business. We made eye contact and I wondered if he remembered who I was. Do you think, Mon Cheri, that humans are capable of looking in the mirror at times and seeing who they really are? Do you think he thought about his behavior as he distributed the Body of Christ to his fellow Catholics? I am no better, I guess, as I should have prayed for him instead of wondered those things. Lesson: the person you are showing your ass to on Wednesday, may see you in church the following Sunday.

God Bless the World my Beloved. Tomorrow is a new week. Just can't wait! xoxoxoxoLynn

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